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LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.

Year 3

The children have welcomed a change of topic in maths this week, as we have started our year 3 learning on angles! We found right angles around the classroom, and explored how quarter turns create right angles, with perpendicular lines. We have been relating angles to our clock learning, and would encourage you to embed this at home too (quarter of an hour, quarter turns, right angle) - where possible!

In English, we have started reading an intriguing new book, Cloud Tea Monkeys. The children even had the opportunity to observe, smell and taste different types of herbal (decaffeinated!) tea on Monday, and wrote impressive, sensory descriptions. By Friday, they will have made posters, persuading others to buy their delectable (in some cases magical) teas, utilising command sentences and rhetorical questions. 

History has seen the children explore the importance of the River Nile to the ancient Egyptian civilisation, and next week, the children will consider the daily lives of a range of different people within this fascinating period of history.

The children are extremely excited for a fun-packed week of STEM learning coming up. This starts with our bread-making day on Monday, followed by science experiments on Tuesday and Wednesday, a fireworks workshop on Thursday, and the school science fair on Friday!




Key Messages

  • Key vocab: right angle, rhetorical question, command sentence, imperative verb, adaptation, River Nile, Qur’an 

  • KIRFS: Time (analogue and digital)

  • Spellings: (more) homophones and near homophones

  • Monday is our bread-making day!

  • Friday is the science fair - we would love the children to bring in science experiments to show off in the afternoon.


Year 4 

After a busy week last week, it was back to routine for Year 4. A big thanks to the children for making the new adults feel welcome this week and for demonstrating such impeccable behaviour. Coordinates led the way in maths this week with the children plotting points, forming shapes and comparing patterns across the ‘x’ and ‘y’ axis. In English, the children have begun exploring different rhythms and descriptive devices in poetry ready to write their own fantastical stanzas based around the theme ‘How to train your dragon!’ Our lightboxes have started to take form after successful weeks of design and material testing. During DT class, Year 4 created box nets adding colour and shapes to portray a variety of illusions and silhouettes. Following our exploration into worlds beyond our solar system, Year 4 was defining what it is that makes a planet in science. Children were drawing classification keys and comparing a variety of celestial bodies to analyse planetary criteria. We will be continuing to explore as we move into STEM week next week!


Key messages:

  • STEM Week starts Monday 1st July so a reminder to send in your ‘STEM selfie’ showing how you use science or maths at home.

  • Science Fair after school Friday 

  • As it gets warm, please send children in with water bottles, hats and sunscreen.