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LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.

Year 3

A huge well done to all of the children in Year 3 for their class assemblies this week. They worked so hard to prepare their lines, learn lyrics and perfect their acting roles. From the rock cycle to the Stone Age, the children did a fabulous job at showcasing some of the wonderful learning that has taken place this year. 

In English this week, the children have been continuing to plan their newspaper articles on the incredible achievements of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, who cycled around Ghana in just 10 days! The children loved getting into character through role play, imagining they are reporters and interviewees. We are using our knowledge of inverted commas, paragraphs and open ended questions to prepare our newspaper reports and we are very much looking forward to the final product!

In maths, we are continuing our learning of time, building our skills to help us work out the durations, using minutes and hours. Using real clocks as well as drawing timelines has been helpful for the children to grasp this next step of their learning. Do keep practising at home if you can, as this will be so helpful to solidify their learning. 

We are so looking forward to our trip on Monday to Barnes Literary Festival. Please make sure your child brings a packed lunch, water, snacks and weather-appropriate clothing. Adding to the literary excitement, next week we are being visited by Jonathan Patrick Green author of Investigators for a workshop and reading. Books will be signed in the Alligator bookshop.


Key Messages

  • Key vocab: minutes, seconds, duration, civilisation, pyramid, inherit, 

  • KIRFS: Time (analogue and digital)

  • Spellings: ear spelling with ur sound (earth, heard)

  • Monday - Barnes Literary Festival


Year 4

Year 4 has loved getting stuck into all of our new topics, from exploring planet revolutions in space to comparing the Ancient Egyptians with Iron Age Britain. In maths, we have begun exploring statistics. The children have looked at pictograms and bar charts, whilst also having the opportunity to collect their own data and record this in a bar chart. For our history lessons this week, Year 4 completed a fact hunt and then compared and contrasted lifestyles for Britain in the Iron Age and Egypt. This was a great opportunity to retrieve, recap and add to the knowledge children gained on these topics in Year 3. Year 4 has loved getting to know our current book ‘Mary and The Riddle of the Sphinx’. Following on from last week’s novel study, the children have been exploring our characters where they have completed character profiles and story arcs as research to write our biographies in the coming weeks. In science, we have continued to explore space. This week, we have looked at how the planets in our solar system revolve around the sun. The children researched the revolution periods of all the different planets. In Design & Tech, the imaginative designs for our lightboxes have been created and finalised. Using their knowledge from previous research, the children created designs that utilise the space and cleverly use space and silhouettes for their project to stand out. 




Key messages: 

  • Tuesday 20th- Egyptian workshop and dress-up day
  • Thursday 22nd- Barnes Literary Festival
  • Friday 23rd- Author Visit