LKS2 News

Come and see what LKS2 have been up to this week!
Year 3
It has been lovely to have the children back in the classroom after a well earned break! This half term, we will be beginning some new topics such as rocks in science, endangered landscapes in geography and learning about L.S Lowry in art. In maths, we have continued our learning on multiplication and division by looking at related calculations and practising reasoning questions. In English, we have started a new book called ‘The Street Beneath my Feet’ by Charlotte Guillain. We made some predictions using the front cover and have practised using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to describe some of the pictures on the first page. In science, we started learning about the 3 different types of rocks: metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous. In geography, we used atlases to find the longitude and latitude coordinates of different countries in North America.
Year 4
It has been great getting back into the swing of things in Year 4! We have loved introducing our new topics to the children. This half-term, we will be learning about a range of topics, including, rivers in geography, sound in science, and 3D drawings in art. In art, we are looking at Stephen Wiltshire, a black British artist who draws landscapes from memory. He has inspired us to think about the different types of marks and lines we can make, and how we can use these to create an image. In science, we are looking at sound, the key idea of this week is that all sounds are made from vibrations. In geography, we have built on our understanding of the water cycle, and the role that rivers play. In English, we have started reading 'I Talk Like a River' by Jordan Scott. We have inferred the character's thoughts and feeling with evidence from the text, in addition to this, we have used fronted adverbials to aid us in summarise the story. In maths, we are continuing with multiplication and division, we have been multiplying by using both written methods, and manipulatives.
Key Messages
Year 3 spelling rule adding the suffix -ly
Year 3 KIRFS- x4 tables
Year 4 spelling rule prefixes un, in, dis, mis and adding il
Year 4 KIRFS- x11 tables
Please can you make sure your child brings a water bottle to school everyday.
A reminder that morning snacks should be fruit, vegetables or dried fruits.
Please note no children should be bringing in pokemon cards, beyblades or any toys