LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
Year 3 have created a range of very impressive poetry this week, drawing on everything they have learnt in English. We created acrostic, narrative and non-narrative poems about a range of topics. We loved confidently performing our poems with expression and engaging facial features at the start of the week.
In maths, we learnt the roman numerals up to 12 and started our learning about time. We have enjoyed demonstrating our learning on mini learning clocks by moving the minute and hour hands according to a given time. We are now mostly able to recognise how many minutes past or to the hour it is by looking at an analogue clock. As well as recognising o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times. We will keep practising time after half term and are very grateful for your help at home.
In science, we concluded our learning about magnets by presenting some magnificent posters, which gave examples of everyday magnets in use. In computing this week, we programmed a piano to play a tune on scratch. Meanwhile, in geography, we compared tourism in Scafell Pike to tourism in The Alps. We debated the positives and negatives about visiting each area and the impact that tourism can have on local areas. In PE, we competed in relay races, working well as part of a team and using our robot arms to run quickly.
Key Messages:
Key vocab: onomatopoeia, alliteration, quarter past, quarter to, United Nations, rights
KIRFS: 8 times tables
Spellings: hey, they, obey, grey, prey, whey, survey, convey, disobey, purvey
Monday 3rd June - First day back after half term
Monday 10th June - Emerald class assembly 9-9.15, Small Hall
Monday 11th June - Ruby class assembly 9-9.15, Small Hall
Monday 13th June - Sapphire class assembly 9-9.15, Small Hall
Year 4
Year 4 have had a great last week of the half-term and are incredibly excited for our week off. This week in English, the children have been writing their discussion texts aimed at the audience of a family looking to move to Hawaii. It has been a great opportunity to practise our use of connectives to move between different sides of the discussion. This has linked in well to the end of our geography unit on earthquakes and volcanoes. This week, the children concluded their learning on this topic by comparing and contrasting the human and physical features of California and Hawaii.
In science, we have concluded our focus on the digestive system by looking at why it is important to eat a balanced diet and the impact each food has on our digestive system. The children had a chance to think historically for this task and looked back at what people have eaten throughout history. We wrapped up the lesson by asking the children to pretend they were doctors and advise individuals on what to eat in different scenarios. For example, if they were lacking nutrients or wanted to run a marathon.
We have begun our new unit of shape in maths this week focusing on angles. The children have learnt the new terminology of acute, obtuse and right angle. They have been identifying angles around the classroom and starting to order and compare them in ascending and descending order. Why not see how many angles they can find at home? Can they tell you if they are acute, obtuse or at a right angle?
In art, we have used our tiles to print onto a large piece of fabric in the shape of a V for The Vineyard. Thank you to the PTA who are looking at ways we can use our final project and potentially place it on display in the school.
Key Messages
Key vocab: acute, obtuse, right angle, balanced diet, printing, on the other hand, additionally, however, moreover
KIRFS: recap of all multiplication facts
Spellings: recap of common exception words
First two weeks back - Window for MTC test.
It is important the children practise their times tables regularly in preparation
Friday 24th May- Last day of term