LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
Year 3 started their week with a brilliant trip around Kew Gardens on Monday! We became intrepid explorers as we delved in and around the humid, hot rainforests within the glasshouses. We were able to put our science knowledge into practise as we identified an enormous variety of plants and flowers. We were lucky enough to be expertly led through an art workshop in the flower gardens, where we used sketching techniques to create botanical drawings, as well as using crayons and chalk to practise the sgraffito technique. We thoroughly enjoyed the whole day!
In English this week, we have been creatively writing poems using rhyming couplets, with particular emphasis on writing in stanzas and performing with rhythm. In maths, we have been adding and subtracting money to identify change from a given amount, as well as converting between pound and pence.
Meanwhile in science, our curiosity about the world led us to investigate the strength of different magnets to clear up paper clips. Whilst in PE, we loved climbing the ropes and ladders, as well as, practising safe jumping and a range of partnered balances. We have become scratch pros as we altered our characters (sprites) and backgrounds. In geography, we have been identifying the difference between deciduous and coniferous trees, as well as other features found in the Alps.
Key Messages
Key vocab: stanza, rhyming couplets, horseshoe magnet, bar magnet, coniferous tree, deciduous tree, glacier
KIRFS: 8x table multiplication facts
Spellings: eight, eighth, eighty, weight, neighbour, vein, veil, beige, sleigh, freight
Saturday 18th May - PTA five-a-side football at school
Friday 24th May- Last day of term.
Year 4
Year 4 had an amazing opportunity on Wednesday to watch the London Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican Theatre. Rimsky Korsakov’s piece Scheherazade was played by the orchestra and narrated to the children. We even got to listen to Hedwig’s theme from Harry Potter before during the finale.
During maths this week, we have been converting between the 12 and 24-hour clock, using both analogue and digital clocks. Please ensure you continue to practice this at home.
In English, the children began the week by conducting research about volcanoes to inform our upcoming writing, which will be a balanced argument as to why people should or should not live near volcanoes. The children have learned lots of new, exciting and scary information about this which they have loved sharing with their peers and adults in school.
We have continued exploring our printing topic by printing onto a range of materials such as bubble wrap, newspaper and plastic. The children designed and made the final printing tiles, made from polystyrene, ready for our Year 4 collaborative print next week.
In science to cement our knowledge of the human digestive system, the children created the digestive system using stockings, cups, and plastic bags.