LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
Year 3 have become poetry experts this week, as we began our new English topic inspired by Maya Angelou’s poem: ‘Life Doesn’t Frighten Me’. We began by listening to her reading of this poem and then identified the poetic features she utilises. We were also excited to read Miss Osborne’s published poem, as well as a variety of others. We identified; stanzas, repetition, rhyming words and similes. We can’t wait to publish our own poems!
In maths, we started a new topic on money, where we identified the value of different coins. We loved playing shops and ‘paying’ for multiple items with our plastic coins! We look forward to practising this skill in real life!
In geography, we explored the key features of Scafell Pike and described the meaning of each feature. In art, we continued to be inspired by Njideka Crosby by creating our own self- portrait collages using multi media. In science, we predicted and experimented with placing two magnets together. We found out that opposite poles of a magnet attract, whilst the same poles repel and move away from each other. In PE, we loved practising our running by working as a team to retrieve as many giant playing cards as possible! We also practised throwing for a distance, using the sling and pull technique.
Key Messages
Key vocab: repel, attract, collage, stanza, syllables, rhyme, repetition, preposition,
KIRFS: 8 times tables
Spellings: through, various, weight, woman, women
- Monday 13th May: School trip - Kew Gardens- Remember a nut free packed lunch
Year 4
We have continued our narrative writing in English. The children have written the last two parts of their narrative based on The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. We had a particular focus of using DASH (description, action, speech and how) to develop our writing. We have been really impressed with the effort and imagination the children have brought to their writing this week.
In maths, we started the week comparing and converting units of time, then we moved onto telling the time on analogue clocks. Knowing when to say past and to the hour. This topic has proved particularly tricky for a lot of the year group. Why not practise telling analogue time at home?
In art, we looked at printing using new materials. The children made their own cardboard printing blocks and used these to print different patterns onto card, cloth and plastic.
In science, we reflected on the findings of our egg experiment into which liquids did the most damage to the shell. This was a fun and memorable activity which will hopefully encourage children to remember to clean their teeth regularly and drink water after sugary drinks/food. We have also begun to dive into the role of the different organs in our digestive system, considering what happens to the food once we have chewed it.
Key Messages
Key vocab: O’clock, time, past, to, volcano,.
KIRFS: 12 times tables and multiplying numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
Spellings: Recapping common exception words for Year 4
- Wednesday 15th May: School trip -Barbican Hall - Remember a nut free packed lunch