LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Hampton Court Palace last week. We particularly enjoyed engaging with a ‘real life’ Tudor person, who taught us all about Tudor explorations around the world and trade. We were extremely impressed with the highly decorated and opulent rooms at the palace, as well as the beautiful gardens!
We have continued our maths topic of volume and capacity; comparing, adding and subtracting different volumes in real life situations. In English, we have enjoyed using expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and all of our senses to write comparative, descriptive paragraphs about ‘The Tin Forest’. We even included similes to help engage our readers!
In science, the children experimented with different surfaces to compare friction. We also identified push and pull forces in everyday situations. In geography, we used atlases to locate the Alps and identify contour lines, in relation to the height of a mountain. In art, we used layering and different mediums to create some very impressive collages in the style of Njideka Crosby.
Key Messages
Key vocab: contour lines, Alps, elevation, collage, layering, hurdles, trail leg.
KIRFS: 8 times tables
Spellings: strength, straight, strange, suppose, surprise, therefore, though, thought.
Wednesday 1st May: RSE Workshop for families 9am and 5:30pm
Monday 6th May: bank holiday - no school
Year 4
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their visit from our Community Police officer this week. Our visitor talked to the children about staying safe, what to do in tricky situations and the children were able to ask a wide range of questions. PC Bacha brought in some of his equipment which the children were able to look at, and at some points even try on!
We have continued our maths topic of money, looking at converting between pounds and pence, as well as rounding money. The children have enjoyed answering questions directly related to real-life scenarios.
In reading, we are continuing to make our way through the story of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. The children enjoy getting to know the characters and forming some opinions of which characters are good or evil.
We have also been using the book to inspire our writing. The children have had the opportunity to dress up and create their characters. We have used prepositions and expanded noun phrases to create exciting and intriguing character descriptions.
In geography, we have been learning about tectonic plates and how their moments can cause different events. We used DIgimaps to plot volcanoes and earthquakes in California, USA.
In science, the children have been looking at the differences and similarities between the teeth of different types of animals. We used marshmallows to recreate the human mouth and label all of the different teeth.
Key Messages
Key vocab: pounds, pence, change, incisors, molars, premolars, canines,
KIRFS: 12 times tables and multiplying numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
Spellings: Recapping common exception words for Year 4
Wednesday 1st May: RSE Workshop for families 9am and 5:30pm
Monday 6th May: bank holiday - no school