LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
Year 3 have worked hard across the curriculum starting new and exciting topics! In maths, we have have been learning about capacity and volume of liquids in different containers. We have been using our knowledge of number lines and division to identify different intervals on varying scales. In English, we have been entranced by the mystical and magical world within ‘The Tin Forest’. We have enjoyed ‘hot seating’ to view the events from the main character's perspective. In science, we explored push and pull forces using PE equipment and considered how we use forces in our everyday life. Our new geography unit focuses on the high peaks of Scafell Pike and Mont Blanc. This week we identified the locations of different counties within the UK using atlases and compass points. In art, we were inspired by the multimedia work of artist: Njideka Crosby. We analysed and compared examples of her art, with a focus on specific shades of colour. The children are ecstatic to be using scratch in their computing lessons this half term with the goal of creating a musical program. In PE, we loved playing nutty squirrels to practise speed and agility in running.
We are all excited for our trip to Hampton Court Palace on Friday, where we will be extending our learning from last half term about how The Tudors explored the world!
Key Messages
Key vocab: capacity, volume, interval, push, pull, friction, layering,
KIRFS: 8 times tables
Spellings: question, recent, regular, reign, remember, sentence, separate, special
Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime.
Friday 26th April: Earth Day dress up day
Saturday 27th April: Vine-Yard Sale hosted by the PTA
Year 4
This week has been another really positive week in Year 4. We are excited to be back and the children have thrown themselves into their new topics.In maths, we have consolidated our previous learning of decimals and have begun our new unit of money. The children have been using their knowledge of decimals to write out different amounts of money. To support our learning, we have been using coins in our maths lessons, often playing games and seeing who can make amounts the fastest. Why not talk with your child about the different coins we have and play games together at home? We have begun our exciting new book – The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe – in reading and English. This week, the children have been building up to writing a setting description. Focusing on expanded noun phrases, prepositions and vocabulary choices to create an effect on the reader. Our new geography unit focuses on earthquakes and volcanoes. Our focus for the unit is on the United States of America. For our first lesson this week, we learnt about the states and discussed how vast the United States is. We talked about how different the climate can be in different zones and drew comparisons. We are very excited to continue our learning in this topic. In science this week we had another opportunity to draw on the tables. Our new unit is on animals including humans and we focused on food chains. The children made and labelled food chains on their desks.To end our brilliant week, we visited the Marble Hill Adventure Park. It was brilliant to see the children learning at height and many children conquering their fears. What a great end to the week.
Key Messages
- Key vocab: Continent, state, food chain, energy, pounds, decimal place, preposition.
- KIRFs: 12 times tables and multiplying numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
- Spellings: Recapping common exception words for Year 4
- Please make sure the children are bringing healthy snacks for breaktime.
- Friday 26th April: Earth Day dress up day
- Saturday 27th April: Vine-Yard Sale hosted by the PTA