LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
This week, the children have enjoyed writing letters to the ‘Tear Thief’, helping her to recover her mysterious powers whilst asking her intriguing questions about her life.
Indoor PE has been full of energy (!) and excitement this week. The children practised their landing and jumping from a range of heights, whilst using mirrors to self-assess their form and performance.
In history, the children have continued their Tudor exploration, and considered the reasons for Spain attempting to invade England during the Spanish Armada. Next week, we will find out whether the attempted invasion was successful, and the reasons why it was (or wasn’t…!).
The children have observed their plants as part of their science experiment, though for the most part they have survived a week without one of their key requirements for survival. The children have also looked carefully at parts of a flower, labelling and considering the functions of the parts.
In RE, the children have been learning about Humanism and Sikhism, considering and comparing the diverse range beliefs and celebrations that different people have.
Key Messages:
Key vocab: Spanish Armada, equivalent fraction, pirates, sepal, stamen, ovum
KIRFs: 4x table
Spellings: mention, minute, natural, naughty, notice, occasion, occasionally, often
Year 4
Year 4 loved meeting Gareth P Jones on Tuesday, he told us all about his books, and even sung us some songs to match the stories. This was a really inspirational opportunity for the children as he spoke through his failures and successes, proving to us that if we set goals and work hard we can achieve anything. Some children also had the opportunity to meet Gareth, talk to him and get their books signed! We have had a spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) focus in writing this week, using a wordless picture book called Quest by Aaron Becker to inspire work. We have focused on tenses, adjectives, prepositions and apostrophes for possession. In maths, we have been exploring tenths as fractions and equivalent decimals. This has been an excellent opportunity to utilise bar models and recap our number bonds to ten. Furthermore, Year 4 were able to build upon previous learning and set up for our next topic of money, which we will be starting after Easter. This week in history we have been looking at the Viking threat to the Anglo-Saxons. Our lesson involved ordering and plotting different instances of Viking threat and conflict in Briton. The children had to place events on a liviging time graph, justify their thoughts and explore the concept of significance.
Key Messages:
Key vocab: significant, tenth, prepositions, adjectives, conflict
KIRFs: 7 x table and TTRS
Spellings: no spellings this week, the children will be completing an assessment next week.
Other messages: Please remember purple homework spelling books are to be brought to school on Mondays, and reading records every day but most importantly on Mondays for stamping! Thank you
Reminder: PE/swimming days for Year 4 are Mondays and Fridays.