LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
Year 3 have welcomed some fascinating new topics to the classroom this half term!
DT was terrifically exciting, with the children exploring different moving mechanisms in the classroom, and then researching pop-up and moving books. They are thrilled to be making their own moving books about plants at the end of the term!
Science saw the beginning of our topic on plants. We discussed parts of a plant and their functions, with the children intrigued to understand more about the process of pollination and plant reproduction.
History has been a source of excitement, with children reinforcing and extending their knowledge of Tudor England. We began with a comparison lesson of Tudor and modern London, and will be diving into the topic of Tudor sea exploration in weeks to come.
In English, the children have built on the vocabulary they developed when writing about The Pied Piper, and wrote poems featuring poetic devices such as similes, alliteration and onomatopoeia. In maths, we have concluded our topic on measurement with the children becoming increasingly confident in measuring using mm, cm and m.
Key Messages:
Key vocab: root, stem, leaves, flower, attract, nutrients, Tudor, privy, voyage, rotate
Spelling: homophones, e.g. whether/weather, not/knot, plain/plane
Multiplication Check slides from the parent talk today
KIRFs: 4 x table
Other messages: Parents evenings next Tuesday and Thursday! We’re looking forward to seeing you then.
Year 4
Year 4 have had an exciting start to the term, jumping straight into our new topics. From sound energy to healthy pasta salads, the children are ready to jump into their learning.
In science, we have been exploring how sound is made and is transferred through different states of matter. We completed multiple soundscapes to identify common school environment sounds and how they might be created.
After our invasion hook last half term, the children have started their new topic of Anglo-Saxons. This week, we focused on how and why they came to invade Britain, through exploring different clues. We are looking forward to our Anglo-Saxons workshop on Monday.
In maths, we have continued learning about improper fractions and their equivalent mixed numbers. We have started our seven times table this week and have been engaging in a time table tournament across the year group following our win last week against Year 5.
The poem ‘The Jabberwocky’ has been an exciting start to our nonsense poetry topic. This week, the children have explored, identified features of and performed this poem. We have also come up with our own nonsense and portmanteau words.
Key Messages:
Key vocab: invade, settle, mixed number, improper fraction, denominator, numerator
KIRFs: 7 x table
Other messages: Anglo-Saxon day on Monday 26th - please encourage children to dress up.