LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
It has been another busy week in Year 3. In maths, this week, we have begun practising our measurement skills. The children have been using their rulers to measure different objects from around the classroom and deciding on the most appropriate unit of measurement to use. We have been looking at centimetres, millimetres and metres and ensuring that we remember to measure accurately, starting from 0 on our rulers.
We have loved reading the book ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’. Our acting skills helped us to imagine a conversation between two of the main characters. We revisited the rules for using inverted commas and thought of some interesting synonyms we could use instead of said to write up our conversations.
In science, we explored the rock cycle and how different rock types can change formation from one to another. Meanwhile, in art, we explored the use of perspective in L.S Lowry’s paintings. We had a go at using different shades to create the background, midground and foreground in an industrial scene. Finally, on International Day, we had a great time celebrating the diversity of nationalities in our classrooms. We created collage flags and presented interesting artefacts from other cultures.
Key Messages:
Key vocab: inverted commas, centimetre (cm), millimetre (mm), metre(m), perspective
KIRFs: Can I recall the 3 x tables?
Spellings: Homophones: no, know, write, right, where, wear.
Other messages: Please can children start to gather pictures of plants, which we will use in our D&T project next half term.
Year 4
Another busy week in Year 4. We started the week with an art trip, the view by Terrace Gardens.
This linked to our 3D drawing unit based on the work of Stephen Wiltshire. The children sketched the view and picked out different textures they could see. We wrapped up the week by celebrating the diversity of nationalities in our classrooms. This was an exciting opportunity to share our heritage and celebrate through art, show and tell and using digi maps to plot a class map.
In maths, we have begun our new unit of fractions. The children have been using bar models to find parts of a whole, counting up beyond 1 and partitioning mixed numbers. This is a topic that we will continue next week and after half-term.
We have been continuing our build up to writing a newspaper in English this week. Focusing on the importance of chronological order (through a fun activity where we gave them instructions in the wrong order), summarising key events and writing closing paragraphs.
In science, we took on the role of being mechanical engineers charged with the task of investigating conductors to help the army with their new ‘Smart tech’ uniform. The children investigated different materials they could use to fix the uniform and then reported their findings back to the army.
Key Messages:
Key vocab: texture, perspective, horizon line, numerator, denominator
KIRFs: 12 x table
Spellings: adding the suffix -ion
Other messages: Sound checks on TTRS - daily