LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
We are so proud of our amazing singers and readers who took part in this year’s carol concert at St Matthias church this week. Year 3 have spent a lot of time rehearsing their speaking parts, harmonies and lyrics over the last few weeks and their hard work really paid off! Thank you to Miss Bracegirdle for organising such a fantastic show. In English, we have been transported to mysterious world filled with rabbits, doves and flying carpets. The children have been busy planning alternative endings to our class book ‘Leon and the Place Between’ and have started to write about their adventures in this curious world. The children are employing the use of inverted commas, expanded noun phrases as well as ambitious vocabulary to create exciting and adventure-filled stories. In History, year 3 have been learning about using primary sources as evidence and using those to develop their inference and questioning skills. From ancient hillforts, to stone age cave paintings, fossils and arrowheads, the children have been able to understand more about the neolithic period.
Key Messages
Key vocab: artefact, infer, evidence, archeologist.
KIRFs: Counting forwards and backwards in 3s, 4s and 8s
Spellings: ‘re’ prefix ; rewrite, replace, renew, refresh, reappear
Other messages: If your child has a pencil case, please ensure it contains the following only: 3 writing pencils max, sharpener, ruler, colouring pencils.
Year 4
Year 4 have has a busy week! We really enjoyed singing in the carol service on Tuesday. Thank you to all the parents who came to watch and support us. In English, we are building up to writing our narrative next week. The focus this week has been on paragraphing and descriptive language. We used Where’s Wally? to write expanded noun phrases with prepositions. In French, the children have been researching famous french people. Next week, the children will be presenting their research to the class. Why don’t you ask your child who they have been researching? Can they remember any facts? In History, we designed our own Roman towns, considering what buildings would have been there and where we might place them. In Science, we have been exploring ways to record data. The children drew their own bar chart showing different periods of hibernation in animals.
Key Messages
Key vocab: preposition, Emotive. Multiplication, aqueduct, hibernation, axis
KIRFs: please continuing doing TTRS regularly - our focus in the 9 times tables.
Spellings: Adding il- and revising un-, in-, mis-, dis-.