LKS2 News
Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to this week- it has been a busy one!
Year 3
Year 3 have been busy this week writing stories, investigating shadows and going on a trip to Butser Farm! In English, we finished planning and started writing our own versions of "Leon and the Place Between", putting into practice all the techniques we have learnt in our lessons, including writing speech. We have had lots of fun thinking about what the circus in our story will be like and which performers there are. In science, we have been investigating shadows: how and why they are formed, and how they change when a light source is closer or further away. We made our own shadow puppets to try this out with torches. We also learnt about why shadows change size and shape throughout the day and what effect the sun's position in the sky has on shadows. We had a lot of fun on our trip! The children were fantastic and were really engaged with the activities we did. We hope they have told you all about this at home! We went on a tour of some Stone Age roundhouses, tried our hands at archaeology skills and created our own chalk carving art. We even ate our lunch round a fire in one of the roundhouses. Despite the cold, it was a great day out. In maths, we have been consolidating and practising our 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Please continue to practice times tables at home using TTRS as this supports what we are learning at school.
Key Messages
Year 3 Spelling adding the prefix -in and -dis
Year 3 KIRFS- x3 tables
Year 4
In maths, we have been building on our knowledge and understanding of multiplication. This can be supported at home with the regular use of TTRS. We have been using our plans to write a sequel to 'Winter's Child', 'Summer’s Child' in English. We have to use descriptive language to describe our setting, characters, and the troubles they have in our stories.In Science we have continued to develop our learning about the planets through role play. We have been looking at the orbits, and rotations of the different planets and using role play to develop our understanding of this. We have been working in small groups to create mini-greenhouses in design and technology.
We had a brilliant time at The Wetlands Centre yesterday and the children were all really well behaved.
Key Messages
Year 4 Spelling, adding the suffix -sion.
Carol Service on Wednesday at 9:30am at St Matthias Church
Christmas dinner on Wednesday
Year 4 KIRFS- x9 tables.