LKS2 News
Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to this week!
Year 3
We have had a fantastic week this week, we would like to thank you all for taking the time to come to our assemblies. We had a great time practising them and we hope you enjoyed it. This week in DT we have been tasting different foods and trying to understand different types of taste. It was delicious! During maths, we started our topic of shapes. We looked at the different features of 2D and 3D shapes. Having the opportunity to get hands on with different shapes. In English, we had an interview with the main character of our book. We asked Emmanuel questions about his amazing journey around Ghana. Our science lessons have looked deeper into genetics and what characteristics animals and humans can inherit from their parents and what characteristics are not inherited. In history this week, we have continued our learning of the Ancient Egyptians, looking at when and where they settled on the River Nile. Next week, we have our trip to Barnes Festival. The author we are going to see Abi Elphinstone and the book is Saving Neverland. The children will have the chance to buy the book at the end of the talk.
Key Messages
Key vocab: tomb, artefacts, fossils, living organism
KIRFs: Telling time to the nearest minute.
Spellings: ’ch’
Bares festival coming up- if children would like to buy the book Abi Elphinstone – Saving Neverland RRP £14.99 (Hardcover) please ensure they bring the exact money.
Year 4
In maths this week, we have been using a range of methods, including folding and mirror reflections, to find lines of symmetry in 2D shapes. Did you know a regular polygon’s number of sides is equal to its number of symmetry lines? In English, the children have been concluding their letter writing and working in pairs to edit and evaluate their work. Informal language, ‘showing not telling’ and connectives have been some of the main themes that they have been working on. This week in science we have been learning about our teeth. Specifically, what the names of our different teeth are and the roles they all serve. Perhaps you can investigate at home with different foods - what teeth are required to eat each one? In History, we have been learning about the importance of the River Nile to the Ancient Egyptians, thinking about how they used the river for transport, agriculture, food, clothes, papyrus and much more. Was The Nile the most important factor in Ancient Egypt being so successful? The highlight of the week was undoubtedly completing the Multiplication Tables Check. We are so proud of the children and I know they are relieved to have it done. A huge thank you to you all for supporting your children with practise at home - it has made a huge difference!
Key Messages
MTC results - These will be communicated through the end of year report.
It’s getting very warm, please make sure your child brings a water bottle and hat every day.
Spelling focus - ‘ion’
KIRFS focus - Equivalent fractions and decimals
Key vocab - incisors, premolars, molars, canines and wisdom teeth, River Nile, civilisation, livelihood, internal, external, biology
Barnes festival on Thursday. Children can buy the book: Jeffrey Boakye – Kofi and the Rap Battle Summer RRP £7.99 please ensure that they bring the exact money