LKS2 News

Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to!
Year 3
We have had a lovely first week back in Year 3. We have enjoyed getting stuck into our wider curriculum subjects this term which are; history, DT and RE. In history, we are learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We investigated all about the Egyptians and the various artefacts Tutankhamun was buried with. In DT, we recapped what goes into a healthy balanced diet, investigating the different food groups and how they aid our bodies. During English, we started our new book Emmanuel's Dream! We looked at the front cover to make predictions about what the book might be about. We also looked at the features of a newspaper report and highlighted them. Our new science topic is all about the theory of evolution and Charles Darwin. Looking into what makes us who we are and the different features that are passed down from generation to generation. We have also begun to practise our class assembly. Please practise at home as much as you can to help the children remember their lines and song lyrics!
Key Messages
Key vocab: tomb, artefacts, fossils, living organism
KIRFs: Telling time to the nearest minute
Spellings: ’ch’
Year 4
We hope you all had a lovely half-term break. Summer 2 has started with a bang! This week in English, we have started a new text called "Marcy & the Riddle of the Sphinx!" We are developing our letter writing skills with a focus on first person, past tense, and emotive language. We are planning to publish this piece of writing next week. In maths, we have been learning about angles. Ask your child to draw a right angle, obtuse angle, and acute angle. Try and challenge them by asking them to compare each angle using comparative symbols. Although we have moved on from time, it is important that you keep practising with your child at home using an analogue clock. In history, we are learning about the ancient Egyptians through exploring different artefacts that were found in Tutankhamun's tomb. In DT, we are linking our learning with electricity, which we covered earlier this year. We will be creating box light signs. Ask your child how a front lit and backlit sign is lit. In RE, we have learned about our identity. We have discussed what makes 'us', us. We looked at how home life, school, friendships, and religion all shape our identity. Finally, in science this week, we have been learning about food chains, including producers, predators, prey, and decomposers. The children drew their own food chains using examples of animals and microorganisms they have learned about this week.
Key Messages
MTC next Tuesday. Please ensure you practise over the weekend with your child
It’s getting very warm, please make sure your child brings a water bottle every day
Spelling - ‘ir’ ‘il’
Key words - producers, predators, prey and decomposer, tomb, artefact, archaeologist, equivalent fractions and decimals