LKS2 News

Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to this week!
Year 3
In English this week, we have been looking at the different types of tenses and how they can be progressive. During maths this week, the children have been learning about the days of the month and how to remember how many days in each month and how many minutes in a day. We have been looking at the impact magnets have had on everyday life and where magnets can be found. The children created posters highlighting why magnets are so useful, whilst Geography has seen children look at the impact tourism has had on The Alps and Scafell Pike and form an opinion if it is a positive or negative.
Key Messages
- KIRFS: counting in tenths, recognising 0.10 = one tenth
- Spelling: -ation eg temptation, information
- Vocab: minutes, hours, magnets, tourism, rhythm, rhyme, past, present, future
Year 4
With the sun shining, we have had a delightful time in Year 4 this week. What a week to have a trip to Terrace Gardens! The children loved investigating the positive and negative human impacts on the local environment. Thank you to parents who were able to join us! We have been continuing to explore time in maths this week, and looked specifically at converting between analogue, 12-hour and 24 hour times. In English, the children have begun writing their explanation texts using technical language and time connectives. I am sure they are keen to share with you how volcanoes are formed, and their dangers.
Key Messages
MTC preparation - please practise times tables daily!
Key vocab: migration, analogue and digital, formal, relief printing
Spelling rule: ‘g’ spelt gue and ‘k’ spelt que
KIRFs: multiplying and dividing 1-digit numbers by 10 and 100