LKS2 News
Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to this week!
Year 3
In English this week, the children have continued to explore a variety of poetic devices, and have read with rhythm and written with rhyme in order to plan their own poem (about fears!) which they will soon write. In maths this week, the children have explored numerous ways of adding and subtracting money, whilst in art they have loved making their own tessellation designs. We have had opportunities for plenty of practical activities in science, testing how magnets can attract and repel, whilst geography has seen children identify features of mountains. In PSHE, we have highlighted the importance of being careful when playing games on computers, and considered ‘top tips’ to help us stay safe online.
Key Messages
KIRFS: counting in tenths, recognising 0.10 = one tenth
Spelling: -ly suffix, e.g. nice, nicely
Vocab: rhyme, rhythm, tessellation, summit, valley, magnetic, attract, repel, pounds £, pence p
Year 4
Week four has been another busy week with only four days. We celebrated the Kings coronation on Friday, we all felt lucky to be part of such a special moment in history. Onyx class have been swimming each Friday and have enjoyed developing our swimming skills, we are also becoming very comfortable and confident in the water. English, we have begun writing our own narratives. We planned what we wanted to write and are now using our plan to help us. We are focusing on using a range of language features to make our writing interesting. In maths we have finished our learning of decimals and are moving to learning about time. You could practice at home by getting your child to tell the time. In Geography, we have looked at our Earthquakes are produced. We are going to be looking next week at the effects of earthquakes.
Key Messages
Spelling pattern ‘sion’
TTRS - Keep practicing for our upcoming test
Key vocab- Richter scale, magnitude, environment, algorithm