LKS2 News

Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to this week!
Year 3
In year 3 this week we have been busy creating decorations for our Coronation party on Friday! Some children have made beautiful portraits and are eagerly anticipating who is chosen as the winner at the end of the day. In science, we have continued to learn about forces, and have explored how magnetic force can be used to move some (but not all!) objects. In English, we have studied poetry, and explored how a variety of poetic devices can be used in different ways. This is in preparation for writing and performing our own poems next week! In maths, we have continued our work on fractions and are finding fractions of different amounts (such as one half of 10, three quarters of 20 and three fights of 60.
Key Messages:
- KIRFS: counting in tenths
- Spelling: one after im0…
- Vocab: ⅛, 6/6, fold mountains, earth’s crust, magnet, force, material, stanza, syllable
Year 4
We have had a short week this week with another bank holiday. Year 4 have been busy preparing for their MTC test in June. We all completed a mock test on Thursday. Ask your child how it went. In English, we finished writing our setting descriptions describing Narnia. We have been practising using similes, metaphors and prepositions. We have started to plan our own narratives, ask your child about the plot of their story. In maths we have been looking at comparing amounts of money, we were also converting pence to pounds and pounds to pence. At home you could practise by asking your child how many pence are in an amount e.g. £8.16.In geography, we looked at different mountain types. We explored the rocky mountains in the USA and learnt how they were created by a convergent plate boundary. In Art next week we will be printing so please make sure your child brings in an old shirt.
Key Messages:
- Please note class assemblies will take place the week beginning 15th May
KIRFS: TTRS 1-12 times tables
Spelling- s sound spelt sc
Vocab - Pound, pence, convergent plate boundary, rocky mountains