LKS2 News

Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to.
We have had a good start to the new half-term, and it’s been lovely to have the children back from a restful break. In English, we have been using coordinating conjunctions to describe our new character The Tear Thief. In maths, we have started our fractions unit and learning the difference between unit and non-unit fractions. In history, we have started our Tudor Seafarers topic and have explored how society was different in Tudor London compared to modern London. In science, we looked at parts of a flowering plant and explored their different functions. The children drew and labelled fantastic diagrams! In DT, we discovered how pop-up books work and learnt about the different mechanisms to make the parts move.
Key Messages
- Science key vocab - roots, stem, leaves, flower, function
- Maths key vocab- denominator, numerator, non-unit fraction, unit fraction
- Please can you ensure your child’s pencil case is small enough to fit in their tray and only contain the essential items
Year 4
We have had a busy start to this half-term in year 4. In English, we started the week looking at possessive apostrophes, developing an understanding of plural and singular nouns. In addition to this, we have begun reading Varjak Paw by S. F. Said, this is going to support our writing on non-chronological reports over the coming weeks. We have continued learning about fractions in maths. We have begun learning how to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions. Our science topic for the half-term is electricity, we have begun to explore what objects conduct electricity and those that don't. We have begun learning about the Anglo-Saxons in history, finding out why they came to Briton and what they found when they arrived. Our DT topic this term is on seasonal fruit. We talked about the problems and benefits with importing fruit.
Key Messages
Spelling: Adding the prefix mis, un, in, and dis
KIRFS: x7 tables
Key vocab: science: electrical and non-electrical, atoms, electricity. History- Kingdom, Saxons. DT- Seasonal fruit