LKS2 News

Come and find out what LKS2 have been up to here!
Year 3
In English this week we have been writing poems about The Pied Piper using some poetic devices such as similes, onomatopoeia and alliteration. The children have had such fantastic, creative ideas! In maths, we started learning about perimeter and how to calculate it. The children have been practicing calculating the perimeter of different shapes. Ask you children if they can remember which method you need to use to calculate the perimeter of a shape with a curved side! In science, we conducted an experiment to explore the permeability of different soils. In geography, we discussed the impact that humans have on the planet, both positive and negative. We dived deeper into the activities humans do that have a negative effect on the planet and made posters to raise awareness of these. In art, they recreated a picture by L.S Lowry using the drawing techniques they have learnt over the last few weeks. We have spent time connecting with each other and discussing ways in which we can keep our minds healthy for Children’s Mental Health week. This has included some guided breathing and games to find out more about each other.
Key Messages
- Our next maths topic will be fractions. Please take some time to revisit unit and non-unit fractions of ¼ , ⅓ ½ and 1 whole with your children.
- Key vocabulary - soil, permeability, climate change, perimeter, length
- Spelling rule - adding the suffix -ion (action, concentration, collection)
- KIRFS x4 tables
Year 4
In English this week we have been finishing off our newspaper reports. This has included publishing them on the laptops. In Maths we have looked at fractions. We have begun this topic by looking at 1 as a whole and counting beyond 1 in fractions. In Art, we have used the skills we have learned this term to draw out landscape pictures. We talked about the difference between foreground, background, and middle ground, as well as looking at a focal point within our drawings. We have done a range of activities this week for Children’s mental health week. This has allowed us to be in tune with our minds and bodies as well as connect with those around us. We have tried different activities including seated yoga, whale breathing, and having some time outside.
Key Messages
Spelling: suffix ‘
KIRFS: x12 tables
Key vocab: pitch, volume, perspective, tributaries, fertile