LKS2 News

Read on to find out what has been happening in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
Year 3 have certainly started to get the festive feeling this week with their exciting craft making sessions. Our candle holders are looking beautiful and we are looking forward to selling them at the fair this weekend! We had an absolutely brilliant time at Butser Ancient Farm where the children learned about what life was like in prehistoric Britain. We got to explore the structures of typical dwellings, as well as taking a closer look at the tools that would have been used in their daily lives. We got to make our own art with flint, chalk and natural dye from plants, as well as some beautiful copper jewellery. The children were really able to envision what they have been learning about this term. Thank you to the volunteers who supported us, very much appreciated! In maths this week, we have been practising our 3’s, 4’s and 8 times tables, using inverse to check our answers and applying our division skills to word problems. This is a great way to help the children to develop their reasoning skills which they are doing a fantastic job at.
Key Messages
Key vocab: Shade, shadow, reflect, light source
KIRFs: Counting forwards and backwards in 3s, 4s and 8s
Spellings: -ion: action, invention, collection, education, attraction
Other messages: Please remember purple homework spelling books are to be brought to school on Mondays, and reading records every day but most importantly on Mondays for stamping! Thank you
Year 4
We have had busy week in Year 4, from building wildlife bridges in Science to comparing historical sources in History.
In Science this week, we have been looking at the environments that animals live in and how they change either naturally or from human impacts. We have used role play to report on endangered elephants crossing into cities. On Wednesday, the children built their own bridges in order to help animals such as crabs, and elephants migrate across newly developed urban areas.
In History, we have been discussing primary and secondary sources. We used some secondary sources to build a picture of how the Romans viewed Boudica. We then discussed perspective and evaluated these sources based on bias and contrasting views.
In English, we have begun to read our new text “Winter’s Child”. The children began by creating story maps to sequence the text. We then used the text as inspiration for dialogue. Our focus has been on speech punctuation, synonyms for said and adverbs.
Key Messages
Key vocab: Narrative, Direct speech. Multiplication, Division, Historical sources. Habitats.
KIRFs: please continue doing TTRS regularly - our focus in the 9 times tables.
Spellings: The suffix ‘sion’