KS1 Update

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to here!
Year 1
We have been very busy this week in Year 1 with our Rock Steady music workshop on Wednesday morning and starting our Vineyard Adventurers - taking learning outdoors. We have loved taking our Geography skills of map reading into the forest school space and have been hunting for treasure on our own treasure maps and of course, had a delicious hot chocolate to finish! In English this week we have continued to read and explore our book Beegu and were introduced to the conjunction word ‘and’. We have been using ‘and’ to extend our sentences in a postcard to Beegu’s mum explaining why she should come and visit us on earth. In science, we were being sense detectives and were using the science skill of predicting and observing to explore different objects. We predicted which of our body parts would be best to explore smell, taste, texture, sound and sight. We also considered that for some objects we could use more than one of our senses. In computing we have been introducing chromebooks and have practised the essential skill of logging in! The children worked hard in pairs to successfully log in and showed fantastic teamwork skills to support others around them. Once we had logged in, we began to practice our typing skills and opened up a word document to type in all the letters of the alphabet in order. We were very impressed with how sensible the children were when using and carrying the chromebooks.
Key Messages
Key vocab: conjunction, map, aerial map, one more, one less, senses
KIRFs: number bonds to 8
PE days are Wednesday and Friday
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday
The Vineyard Adventures - taking learning outdoors (forest school) will start on the week of the 25th - Diamond Thursday afternoon, Sunstone Friday mornings, Amber Friday afternoon. We will inform you of your child's groups next week.
Year 2
The children have really enjoyed developing their scientific enquiry skills this week. They spent a long time observing animals in the gardens and focussed on asking questions about what they had found. Does a snail’s shell grow with it or do they ‘move’ shells when it gets too small? Do worms look like their parents when they are born? Do millipedes grow more legs as they get older? Maths has delved deeper into understanding partitioning and the importance of place value. Numbers lines have also been used to build on identifying where numbers are placed and the children have learnt that number lines do not need to start at zero or go up in ones. Our first big write in English has been a great success. It has been fantastic to see the wonderful ideas and techniques that have developed. The teachers are impressed with the interesting and varied reads of the children’s retelling of Goldilocks. The difference between cities, villages and towns have also been explored in Geography. Thank you too, for the contributions for the art session this week which produced some great printing.
Key Messages
Key vocab: number line, intervals, growth, city, town, village, portrait, landscape
KIRFs: Writing numbers as words to 20, number bonds to 20
As the cooler weather approaches, we would be grateful for any donations of tissues for the classrooms.