KS1 Update

Come and find out what we have been up to in KS1 this week!
Year 1
We have had a fantastic week in Year 1! In particular we have enjoyed our Victorian workshop when we pretended to be Victorian children at school. We loved dressing up and immersing ourselves in Victorian life. We all had a great time! In English we have been using body percussion such as claps and stomps to enhance our performance of our current poem called “Zim Zam Zoom”. We also explored different adjectives we could use to describe the colours and sounds of fireworks like in the poem. In Maths we have been practicing our subtraction skills using a numberline and consolidating our number bonds facts in KIRFs.
Key Messages:
Reminder - all reading books are changed on a Thursday and returned on Fridays.
The KS1 Christmas singing performance for adults to come and watch will be on Tuesday 13th (9:15am) December or Thursday 15th December (2:30pm). Please bring a Christmas jumper in a named bag on the 13th ready to wear for both performances.
Year 2
It has been a great week in Year 2. We have been designing our own pizzas in DT. We used our fantastic knowledge of a balanced diet to help us decide what to include in our yummy pizzas. In science we have been learning about food chains and what consumers and producers are. In math we have been learning about the different properties of 2D and 3D shapes. In English we have been learning about poetry and we wrote our own fun poem on our favourite animals. We also performed a few exciting poems! In RE we researched how different countries celebrate Christmas. How do you celebrate?
Key Messages:
Please note our school trip to the London Zoo is on Friday 2nd December 2022. Make sure to bring a packed lunch on that day and arrive at 8:20am.
Common exception words for this week are class, pass, whole, who, phone and alphabet.