KS1 News

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to this week!
Year 1
We have had a lovely first week back in Year 1! In particular we have enjoyed getting stuck in to our new subjects for this half-term; DT, RE and history. In DT we made sliding mechanisms in our new project of Moving Minibeasts. We worked hard to carefully follow the instructions to make our minibeasts move from side to side. In English, we have started reading The Day The Crayons Quit and used role play to explore how the crayons were feeling. We also learnt how we can use exclamation marks in our writing to show strong emotions and used them to write our own signs, just like the crayons. In maths, we have been exploring numbers to 50 and using our skills from our KIRFs sessions to consolidate counting in 10s.
Key Messages
Reminder - all reading books are changed on a Thursday and returned on Fridays. Reading records should be in bags everyday.
Common exception words: four, five, six
KIRF’s: counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, 10s
Key vocabulary: monarch, reign, exclamation mark
Our class assemblies are coming up - Tuesday 7th March - Amber, Wednesday 8th March - Diamond, Thursday 9th March - Sunstone. These will be at 9 - 9.15am.
Year 2
The Great Fire of London is proving to be an exciting topic. This week in history we looked at the challenges faced by London in 1666 following the Great Plague. We are also using the story of Vlad and The Great Fire of London as a writing stimulus in English. The children were also excited by our Earth and Space topic in science which started off by identifying the planets in our solar system. We also became creative with mnemonics to help us remember the order of planets from the sun. Our measuring topic in maths has demonstrated lots of collaborative work as the children have been making informed decisions about whether to measure objects in centimetres or metres. It has also been lovely to share what the children know about being a Muslim in RE.
Key Messages
Please remember to keep reading records and books in bags and bring to school every day. Please let your teacher know if they have been lost.
Spelling rule is the ‘n’ sound using kn or gn’ as in knew, knight, gnat and gnaw
KIRFS: 10 times tables
Key vocabulary: measure, centimetres, metres, height, length, Muslim, plague