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KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.

Year 1

What a brilliant 2 weeks of learning we have had! We had our amazing visit to our local church, St. Matthias’ Church and we stepped back in time to the Victorian era where we were visited by an incredible Victorian teacher! We dressed like a Victorian child and we even set up our classrooms to look like a Victorian classroom, putting the desks in rows. The children were in awe of all the props our Victorian teacher had brought along, such as the dunce hat or the cane. Thankfully she was just an actor and it was all just pretend! We started a new book for English, Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion. We explored adjectives that fit our character description, the hungry lion. We also introduced the children to question words and question marks, to ask everyone in our school if anyone had seen the hungry lion. We finished it off with a wanted poster that we have hung around the school to see if we could catch the hungry lion as he has not been making very good choices! For maths, the children have been exploring addition as well as subtraction, consolidating our knowledge on problem solving these equations independently! The children have really been enjoying our DT lessons as we have looked into healthy eating. They managed to get a taste of a variety of fruits and vegetables and recorded adjectives of what they tasted. For science, we looked into our local area to see if we could find any animals nearby. We then recorded our findings on a pictogram.



w/b 18.11.24

Keywords: fruits, vegetables, healthy, food preparation, church, font, pulpit, altar, Reverend, stained glass windows, benches, seating, cross, lectern, local animals

Sounds: ow, ai, oa, ew


w/b 25.11.24

Keywords: dunce hat, cane, chalk boards, chanting, food preparation, question words, question marks, animal groups

Sounds: ire, ear, ure, tion



Please ensure your child brings their reading folders in with their reading record and books on Mondays. 

The reading record should be signed by an adult five times. 

All hair needs to be tied up - not half up and half down, it needs tying completely back. 

Please ensure your child has a book bag - we cannot safely house rucksacks due to our limited space. 

Please remember to bring in your child’s costumes for our Christmas performance. Make sure they are in a named bag.

After Christmas holidays Year 1 children will not be having an afternoon snack, they can either have the school fruits or one from home at morning snack.

As the weather has become colder can all children bring appropriate clothing for Vineyard Adventures and welly boots, thank you. 



Amber Christmas concert: Monday 9th December at 9:30 

Diamond Christmas concert: Tuesday 10th December at 9:30 

Sunstone Christmas concert:Tuesday 10th December at 2:15

Amber Vineyard Adventurers: Thursday 5th December

Diamond Vineyard Adventures: Friday 6th December

Sunstone Vineyard Adventurers: Friday 13th December



Year 2

We have had a busy couple of weeks in year 2. From tasting different pizza toppings to practising our Christmas performances, the children have explored a wide range of skills across the curriculum and developed their confidence in performing.

In English, we have been exploring biographies. With our developing knowledge of Mary Seacole, the children have been thinking about the skills needed to write a biography. We have been using our language skills to write interesting facts about Mary Seacole, and using time connectives to order our writing chronologically to ensure our fact file is exciting and accurate

In maths, we have been using our place value knowledge of ones and tens to add and subtract. The children have explored numbers with dienes, looking at adding two 2-digit numbers within and across ten. The children have been able to explore this practically as well as show their developing understanding of numbers in their books. 

Our science topic looks at a range of habitats and how different animals are best suited to their environments. The children have looked at the habitats found in our own environment, looking at what living things might be found in woodlands, and justifying the reasons as to why they are there. The children did this by exploring the relationships between living things, for example, the badger lives in the woods to be close to the worms it eats on the forest floor. 

The children have been very excited about our DT learning as we have continued to explore our Perfect Pizza topic. The children had the opportunity to taste a range of different toppings that might be found on pizzas. Lots of the children challenged themselves by trying foods they do not normally eat or like, and some were pleasantly surprised by liking some different foods. 

In PSHE, we have been exploring assumptions and stereotypes, as well as our differences and similarities. The children were tasked with matching descriptions to images, they did not have much information. We discussed how the children had to make lots of assumptions to complete this task and in our class, we unpicked how the assumptions can often be incorrect. The children concluded it was better to go and talk to people and ask curious questions. In addition to this, we have looked at what the children have in common, and what differences they have. It was surprising to find out how much we have in common with so many of our peers, and brought the class together in their interests, whilst celebrating the differences we have. 

In RE, we have been exploring Buddhism and over the last two weeks, the children have looked at places of worship and Buddhist celebrations. We have looked at the Buddhist temple, exploring the exterior- couples and structure, as well as what one might find inside. We have studied Wesak, looking at how the Buddha and his teachings can be celebrated. 

In PE, the children have been exploring a range of skills in gymnastics. We have learnt to safely move the equipment needed for gymnastics, and begun to explore a range of movement that will make up a routine. We have started with Tuck, Pike Straddle and front and back support. 



w/b 25.11.24

Spelling rule: The sound /igh/ spelt with ‘-y’ at the end of words

Keywords: Chronological, facts, adding two-digit numbers, subtracting 10, habitat, living things, urban, woodland, environment, pandemic, pizza topping

Number Facts: number bonds to 10- exploring different ways of making ten

Literacy focus: contractions (for example did + not = didn’t)


w/b 2.12.24

Spelling rule: Adding –ies to nouns and verbs ending in -y

Keywords: Snowman, adjectives, narrative, expanded noun phrase, The Talkative Tortoise, pizza dough, texture



Number Facts: number bonds to 10- exploring different ways of making ten

Literacy focus: Use of the suffixes –er, and –est in adjectives and the use of –ly in Standard English to turn adjectives into adverbs


Key Messages: 

Monday 9th performance 1: Amethyst 9:30 am

Tuesday 10th performance 2: Turquoise 9:30 am

Tuesday 10th performance 3: Pearl 2:15 pm

19th December - Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas lunch 

  • As cold weather approaches, please ensure your child comes to school with a coat

  • With a high number of colds going around, It would be greatly appreciated if families could bring in some tissues for the classroom

  • Please remember that we are expecting to see a minimum of 4 entries a week


Due to exciting plans, we have moved our festival of sport to Thursday 10th July.