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KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.

Year 1

We are so proud of the way our new year 1 classes have settled into their new routines - well done everyone! What a positive start to the year. This week, we have started our new learning in our wider curriculum subjects of geography, science, computing and art. In geography, we are learning to describe where we are, using positional language and aerial photographs. Yayoi Kusuma is our featured artist this half-term, where we will be looking at her artwork and practising how to mimic her dots using different tools. In science, we will be identifying different parts of the human body and describing the part of the body we use for each sense.  In maths, we have been consolidating our reception maths knowledge of doubles, number bonds to 10, finding one more and one less and shapes. In English, for the next 2 weeks, we will be reading the Oliver Jeffers book What We’ll Build, featuring a young girl and her father who use their special tools to build a glorious future together; building memories to cherish. We have been learning how to make predictions throughout the story and using adjectives to describe our favourite things. The children will be given a challenge to use the conjunction because in our sentences to explain our reasoning in our sentences.



Key Messages

  • Key vocab: body parts, senses, dots, Yayoi Kusuma, positional language, aerial

  • PE days are Monday and Thursday

  • Library days are Amber-Monday, Diamond-Thursday, Sunstone-Tuesday

  • Please bring in reading books to change on Monday

  • The Vineyard Adventurers will start on the week of the 16th for Amber on Thursday afternoon, Diamond on Friday afternoon, and Sunstone will begin on the week of the 23rd on Thursday afternoons.


Year 2

Welcome to Year 2! We are very excited to be working with you this year and it was a pleasure to meet you all on Tuesday. The children are continuing to settle in well and are eager to kickstart their learning. In maths, we have looked at place value, recognising tens and ones in different contexts. This allowed us to use base-10 to draw different numbers during Thursday’s lesson. For example, we used long lines to represent ten and dots to represent ones. With this, we could draw numbers up to 99 in no time at all! English saw the introduction of our new book, ‘What We’ll Build’. We discussed dream houses and wrote descriptive sentences to describe them, using prepositions such as on, in, besides, under, etc. To practise prepositions with your children you could ask them where things are. The children were very excited to review their Y1 science as we started our unit, ‘How animals grow?’. We discussed the different stages in the Human Life Cycle. Why not ask your child what these are at home? In Art, our new artist is Orla Kiely. We have analysed her work, looking at patterns, and attempting to recreate them. The children have loved getting to practice their horse riding with the Hobby Horses. We have learnt to walk, trot, and canter (gallop), all whilst taking turns with the Hobby Horses. During computing, we have been learning to recognise the uses and features of our information technology. We have done this by looking at different examples and making comparisons. In geography, we worked on identifying where the UK is in relation to the world. We looked at other countries nearby, revisited the continents and identified the hemisphere.




​​​​​​​w/b 09.09.24

Spelling rule: The sounds /n/spelt ‘kn’ and less often ‘gn’ at the beginning of words

Keywords: life cycle, adult, adolescent, child, toddler, baby, preposition, adjectives, pattern, place value.

w/b 16.09.24

Spelling rule: The sounds /r/ spelt ‘wr’ at the beginning of words

Keywords: charter, hopes, egg, live young, human, physical, partition, preposition.



Please ensure your homework books (purple) and reading records (green) are in your child's bag on Mondays. 

The reading record should be signed by an adult five times. 

All hair needs to be tied up- half up and down needs tying completely back. 

Please ensure your child has a book bag- we cannot safely house rucksacks due to our limited space. 



21.09.24 (Saturday): hobby horse competition at school

23.09.24 Goldilocks Theatre Workshop