KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
We have had a lovely week in Year 1 this week with festival of sport, watching the KS2 performance and the Vineyard Walk. What a busy week!
In maths, we have been using our KIRFs knowledge of telling the time to both read, make and draw the time on analog clocks. We have been practising o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We even had a go at some word problems with time to really test our thinking.
In English, we have used first person to pretend that we were the boy from our story ‘Up and Down’. We carefully planned what we were going to write and began our narratives. We have been trying hard to showcase all the amazing things we have learnt this year in English into one final piece of work. We can’t wait to share them.
In history, we considered all the facts we learnt about the Wright brothers and Amelia Earhart and used a venn diagram to compare them. We had a go at stating our opinion to show who we thought was the most significant and why.
In science, we looked at different animals behaviours over the year and sorted them into seasons as part of our weather and seasons topic.
Key Messages
Key vocab: significant, seasons, time, o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to
Spelling books and reading folders to be brought in on Mondays.
PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Year 2
This week in Year 2 has been filled with excitement and learning, highlighted by our festival of sport. Despite the rain, the children kept their spirits high and enjoyed an afternoon packed with fun activities. They showcased their skills in throwing, jumping and landing, teamwork, locomotion, and coordination through a variety of exercises, making it a memorable event for everyone involved. In English, we have been preparing for our next big write—a newspaper report. We revisited the use of apostrophes while discussing a peculiar sighting on the outskirts of town. Based on a true story, an abandoned house ended up being lifted from the ground by trees! We will be fictionally reporting on this for our final writing outcome. Maths lessons have been focused on revision, specifically fractions and money. The children demonstrated their understanding of fractions by using counters to show ¾ of an amount, successfully tackling various challenges. However, we found that we needed a bit more practice with money, particularly when faced with two-step word problems. An example of this is: "Rosie buys two apples. They cost 32p. She has £1. How much money will she have left?" The children showed great resilience and persevered until they got it! In History, we explored the history of Royal Parks, focusing on Richmond Park. We delved into its significance during the Tudor period and discussed how these spaces have been important throughout history. The children retold the history through the character, Dalia the Deer, which added to the excitement of Friday's sponsored walk.
Key messages:
KIRF: finding change from £1.
Writing focus: irregular verbs and past tense. Apostrophes for possession continued.
Key messages- we are still looking for more volunteers to support with next Thursday’s DT afternoon. Please get in touch if you can support our sewing