KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
We have had a lovely week enjoying the sunshine and our newly tidied learning garden!
In KIRFs, we have been busy this half term telling the time. We have now learnt o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We have been practising both making the time on our own mini clocks as well as telling the time on our friend’s clocks. In our maths lesson, we have begun to think about money; we began by recognising coins and understanding that each coin has a different value. We loved getting out the pretend money and using the coins to buy different items.
In history, we learnt about Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly across the Atlantic ocean! We found it fascinating to hear about her story and why she was so significant. We had fun quizzing each other on facts about Amelia and recalling the information we had learnt.
In science, we used our scientific skill of interpreting data to make observations about how the weather and temperature changes across the 4 seasons. We looked carefully at the data and answered questions based on what we saw. We noticed that winter was the coldest season and also had the most rainfall compared to the others
Key Messages
Key vocab: aircraft, Amelia Earhart, pence, coins, value, contractions, weather
Spelling books and reading folders to be brought in on Mondays.
PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Year 2
What a fun week we have had! Our standout highlight was our trip to Hampton Court where we got to see Tudor Monarchs! This really helped to bring our learning to life, especially as we got to meet actors and actresses who pretended to be from the 1500s. The children asked such super questions that the staff at Hampton Court were amazed! These questions included: ‘why did Henry steal Syon House from the monks?’, ‘why did Richmond Palace change its name?’, and ‘why did Tudors wear such fancy clothing?’. Over the next few days, we will write a recount to explain what we did to our friends and families. On Thursday, we were very lucky to have visitors come into school and lead a very special assembly on Hinduism. The children were able to ask lots of questions and they had an opportunity to practice mindfulness through rangoli patterns. Thank you to our fab parent helpers who came in to support us! Finally, in PE, we have been practicing for the Festival of Sport which is soon approaching. The children showcased their many skills; from jumping and galloping to throwing and teamwork. We can’t wait to share this with you in a few weeks time.
Key Messages
- Key vocab: rangoli, holi, gills, oxygen, lungs, recount, past tense, responsibility
- KIRF: telling the time
- Next week’s focus: irregular past tense verbs, addition and subtraction within 100- revision, mental health and Richmond Palace (local Tudor history)
- Key messages: please remember to send your child in with a snack for Monday’s trip to Richmond Green. They will be eating lunch in school but we will have a snack break on Richmond Green.
- We are looking for volunteers to support sewing. If you are happy to help, please let your class teacher know. Date TBC.