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KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.

Year 1

Firsty, all the year 1 teachers would like to say a huge well done to all the children for their hard work in the Phonics Screening Check this week. We are so proud of everyone! Thank you to our year 1 families for all of your support at home too. 

In history, we learnt all about the first flight - a hot air balloon invented by the Montgolfier brothers! We has so much fun with Miss Gunther and Miss Gibson trying to recreate this with a hairdryer and a plastic bag! We carefully re-told the story using a storyboard and wrote captions underneath our pictures to show each of the steps of the story. It was amazing to see so many old planes at Brooklands museum on Friday and we can’t wait to learn about the first plane next week!

In science, we used many different scientific skills such as recording data, interpreting data and asking questions to make our very own pictogram to show how the hours of daylight changes over the seasons. We used our knowledge of counting in 2s to make a key and show that 1 sunshine means 2 hours. 

In RE, we began to think about Judaism and our new topic of “What does it mean to be Jewish?”. We explored lots of pictures and images to immerse ourselves in the religion and become familiar with some Jewish traditions and celebrations. 



Key Messages

  • Key vocab: pictogram, hot air balloon, Montgolfier brothers, invention, seasons  

  • Spelling books and reading folders to be brought in on Mondays. 

  • PE days are Wednesday and Friday.


Year 2

This week in Year 2 has been filled with fun and learning! We were so pleased with our DT learning this week. We mastered the running stitch, connecting two pieces of felt together, after lots of perseverance! A special thanks to all our parent helpers. In maths, we completed our unit on statistics, successfully acquiring the skills to read and create tally charts, block graphs, and pictograms. We eagerly anticipate our final unit of the year: position and direction. In history, the children are thrilled about their upcoming trip to Hampton Court! Today, we identified the key features of Tudor palaces, pondering questions like why Tudor palaces had so many windows or thick, fabric tapestries hanging from the walls. Their curiosity shone through in their written tasks, where they designed Tudor palaces and justified their choices. Finally, our science lessons this week focused on the importance of exercise and physical activity. We investigated which activities raised our heart rates and which did not.




Key messages: 

  • Key vocabulary: exercise, pulse, heart rate, running stitch, palace, court, royal
  • KIRF: single digits that cross 10 when added together e.g. 6+5, 6+6, 6+7… 
  • Hampton Court- all parent helpers have been selected. We have tried to ensure selection is fair. This time, if you volunteered and were not previously needed, you were given priority ahead of our random selection. 
  • Our sewing skills are developing! In two weeks time, we will be creating our puppets. If you are happy to support with this, please let your teacher know. 
  • We will be looking into the festival of Holi in RE in two weeks time. We are therefore looking for any parent support, ideally from parents, who have celebrated the festival themselves, to help describe the traditions of the festival. 
  • A reminder that all school equipment is provided by the school. Please ensure your child isn’t bringing in additional pens/pencils. We have had upset over lost pens.