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KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.

Year 1

We have finished learning about our wider curriculum subjects this week and are looking forward to starting next terms topics after half-term. As a reminder, the Phonics Screening Check is in the week commencing the 10th June. Please use the phonics portal to help support your child over half-term with their phonics. Please contact your child's teacher if you would like further support and resources. 

In geography this week, we finished our topic of extreme earth by comparing the Sahara desert to the Antarctic desert. We used all of our knowledge of the hemispheres, the equator and the climates to complete a venn diagram showing what is the same and what is different. We particularly liked looking at the photographs of the animals we might find in the Antarctic desert, including the Emperor penguins like in our book Emperor's Egg! 

In maths, we have had fun exploring positional language such as forwards, backwards, left and right. We enjoyed making our own board games and writing positional instructions for our friends to play.

In art, we made our final pieces of land art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy, we carefully considered the patterns and shapes we wanted to make, did you spot any of our artwork in the learning garden?



Key Messages


Year 2

Thank you to all the parents that were able to make the book look this week.  It is so wonderful to see how proud the children are of their hard work.

Music has continued to be a theme in both art and English.  The children have really shown their artistic talents and wonderful sensitivity to expressing melody and feelings in Kandinsky inspired final pieces.  Poignant poems have also been created using rhyme, onomatopoeia, alliteration and similes.

Continuing to explore time has has everyone thinking about how this links with daily lives and timetables.  The children have also been practising quick recall of time facts such as how many minutes in a quarter of an hour/half an hour/ three quarters of an hour. 

In geography, we have looked at the fantastic vegetation of the Atlantic Forest, such as ferns, orchids and vines, and thought about how and why this may be different to Richmond.  We loved looking at the Atlantic Forest and it is sad to think of how much of it has been destroyed by deforestation.

Coach Josh joined us for PE on Thursday and helped everyone improve their running styles and techniques  in order to make us all that little bit fitter and faster.





Key Messages

  • Key vocab: hour, minutes, quarter past, half past, quarter to, rhyme, onomatopoeia, alliteration, simile, Atlantic Forest, vegetation, compare, stem, flower, conditions

  • PE days are Thursday and Friday so please ensure children are suitably dressed so that they can take part in the activities safely and comfortably.

  • Please make sure break snacks are fresh fruit or vegetables only.