KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
We have enjoyed planning and writing emails this week to persuade our friends and family to come and join us on holiday in a hot country. Inspired by our current book in English, Meerkat Mail, we chose a sunny place to write about. We have thought carefully about persuasive writing and what we will need to say to encourage someone to join us. We combined our geography knowledge of the equator and where hot countries can be found on the globe to choose our destinations. We are looking forward to typing our emails out on the chromebooks on Friday ready to send!
In maths, we have started to think about halving and fractions. We began by sharing amount out equally and have now started to find a half of a shape. We thought carefully about how a half needs to be 2 equal amounts and used this to help us determine whether if was a half or not.
In art, we continued to look at our artist for this term Andy Goldsworthy and collected a variety of different natural resources from around our school to make a pattern or shape in our sketchbooks. We thought carefully about what shapes, colours, textures and sizes we would use to enhance our artwork. We were very proud of the result and showed off our work to our friends with an art gallery.
Key Messages
Key vocab: desert, half, Southern Hemisphere, Northern Hemisphere, persuade
- The Phonics Screening Check is commencing on the week of the 10th June. Please continue to read with your child daily and use the phonics portal (https://sites.google.com/thevineyardschool.org/phonicsthevineyard/home) to help support your child at home.
Year 2
The children are very clear on what the difference between a unit and non unit fraction is and can recognise, write and draw examples of the them. We also looked at the relationship between 1/2 and 2/4 and learnt the word ‘equivalent’. In science, the children had previously divided into groups to plant a crocus bulb and bean seed. This week, they explored the different favourable conditions for growth and applied this to thinking about how their plants will grow. We also went back to Sao Paulo in Geography to look at the different human and physical features in the area. It is very clear from the pictures that it is a very busy place with a large port, business centre and population. A letter has now been written to the Giant from Jim (and the Beanstalk) in English. We are so impressed with the expressive and interesting language that has been used. The children explained that they were ‘anxious’ and ‘startled’ when the Giant ‘looked down on me with watery eyes’, ‘a mouth as red as blood’ and because of his ‘overgrown toes’. Fortunately, they are able to ‘remain friends’ when ‘out of the corner of my eye I spotted’ ‘your enormous, shiny gold coin’ and ‘cheerful letter’.
Key Messages
Key vocab: unit fraction, non-unit fraction, equivalent fraction, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, time connectives, trade, human and physical features, bulb, seed, favourable conditions.
PE days are Thursday and Friday so please ensure children are suitably dressed so that they can take part in the activities safely and comfortably.
Please continue to bring recording records and reading books every Monday.