KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
We have continued to explore our new wider curriculum topics this week and have been getting stuck into our new areas of learning.
In maths, we have been thinking about equal and unequal groups and using our KIRFs knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to help us quickly count different amounts. We are starting to recognising when groups are unequal and have been adding and subtracting to make them equal again.
In geography, we combined our learning from last week about the 7 continents to this week where we had fun exploring lots of geographical resources to find the 5 oceans as well! Of course, we sung the 5 oceans song to help us remember their names.
In science, we have been considering everyday materials and went on a materials hunt around Year 1 and the school to see which material we spotted the most. Next week, we are starting to think about the properties of materials and comparing them to each other.
In art, we went outside to find some natural resources to stick in and sketch in our sketchbooks. We loved looking for different colours and shapes like Andy Goldsworthy.
Key Messages
Key vocab: natural resources, continents, adjectives, materials
- The Phonics Screening Check is commencing on the week of the 10th June, please continue to read with your child daily and use the phonics portal (https://sites.google.com/thevineyardschool.org/phonicsthevineyard/home) to help support your child at home.
Year 2
The Gigantic Turnip inspired our own telling of a traditional tale this week. We gave thought to setting the scene, the patterns in the text and how to end a story. The children have written wonderful stories about Powerful Parsnips, Colossal Carrots, Super-sized Squash and Big Beetroots! We have started looking at fractions in maths, beginning with folding paper and then moving onto identifying ½ of a shape. Our knowledge of number facts for doubling and halving have really helped and we now know that everytime we halve a number the denominator is telling us to put the total amount into 2 equal groups. Practising handwriting is a regular occurrence and the children are focussing on the ‘bouncy family’ letters ‘m’, ‘n’, ‘r’ and ‘h’. They are aiming for consistency, remembering that it is quality over quantity. Further investigations have taken place, digging deeper into the differences between bulbs and seeds in science and looking at the climate of Sao Paulo. Would you believe that, despite being warmer than the UK, Sao Paulo has more than double the amount of rain than London? We have also had very mature discussions about body boundaries and knowing how to communicate how we feel if these are encroached.
Key Messages
Key vocab: half, equal, inverted commas, adjectives, adverbs, contractions, apostrophes, Sao Paulo, Brazil, climate, temperature, seeds, bulbs
Year 2 are continuing to enjoy using 1-minute maths to recall quick number facts and revisit different operations we have been learning so far. Please use this link to download the app at home: https://whiteroseeducation.com/1-minute-maths
Please continue to bring recording records and reading books every Monday.