KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
Welcome back Year 1! We hope all our Year 1 families had a wonderful Easter break. We are looking forward to getting stuck into our new subjects for this term with geography, art and computing.
This week in English, we have begun a new story called Astro Girl. On Monday, we mysteriously found a bag left on the carpet and looked inside for clues as to who it could belong to. We decided it must belong to an astronaut! We have been busy using adjectives to describe things that we could see, hear and feel in space.
In geography, we have been singing along to the seven continents song and used a variety of geographical resources to help us locate the continents on a map. We used a globe, an atlas, maps and Google Earth to look at where the continents are. We discussed which continent we lived on and had fun trying to draw a map of the world with chalk.
In art, we had a look at our new artist Andy Goldsworthy’s sculptures and discussed how his artwork made us feel. We were inspired by the colours and use of natural resources and are looking forward to making our own sculptures.
Key Messages
Key vocab: natural resources, continents, adjectives, materials
PE days are Wednesday and Friday, please wear the appropriate PE kit
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday as we will not be able to change them any other day of the week
Year 2
It has been a wonderful start to the summer term, full of enthusiasm and sharing ideas. Planting has been a theme in English and science. Our new book, The Gigantic Turnip, has been a stimulus for continuing to develop skills in using inverted commas to write speech and becoming more and more ambitious with adjectives and adverbs (whilst understanding the difference between the two). Thanks to the ever helpful Mrs Collier, the children have been able to observe and analyse first hand the differences between bulbs and seeds and think about the initial stages of a plant’s life cycle. Further observations and discussions have being going on during maths. Do you know the difference between volume and capacity? We have pulled on our mathematical knowledge to identify the volume of liquid and calculate capacities and volumes using multiplication and division. Very useful for helping in the kitchen! In Geography, we looked at where Sao Paulo is situated on the globe and how this differs from what we know about where Richmond is. We will explore more similarities and differences over the next few weeks.
Key Messages
Key vocab: volume, capacity, inverted commas, adjectives, adverbs, contractions, apostrophes, Sao Paulo, Brazil, seeds, bulbs
Year 2 are continuing to enjoy using 1-minute maths to recall quick number facts and revisit different operations we have been learning so far. Please use this link to download the app at home: https://whiteroseeducation.com/1-minute-maths
Please continue to bring recording records and reading books every Monday.