KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
In English, we started a new story called ‘Someone Swallowed Stanley’ and it’s all about a plastic bag that has been dropped in the ocean. We have been learning why litter and rubbish in the ocean is not helping our Earth, and how lots of animals will accidentally swallow plastic as they think it is food! We have been learning the suffix ‘ed’ because the animals had swallowed Stanley in the past. We have also written a diary entry pretending to be Stanley in the ocean. In maths, we continued measuring length but have also started learning about mass and capacity. We have used scales to help us measure and compare mass using lots of cubes and objects around the classroom. In history, we are continuing our learning of life in the 1950’s by discovering how shopping lifestyle have changed since then. In DT, we used our plans and designs to create our mechanisms. In RE, we learned about the Qu’ran and how Muslisms worship this special book. In PE, we have done lots of ball work and have moved on to using hockey sticks.
Key Messages
Key vocab: centimeters, length, mass, heavier, lighter, past, present, mechanism
KIRFs: finding one less with numbers to 40
PE days are Wednesday and Friday, please wear the appropriate PE kit
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday as we will not be able to change them any other day of the week
We are looking at the faith of Islam this half-term in RE, if any families who follow this faith would like to come and talk about this to their child's class, please let their teacher know
Year 2
It has been a wonderful week in Year 2. The children have learnt the meaning of their names in RE, linked to Sikhism and the Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhs have a special ceremony when a new baby is born and they use their holy book to give them a name. The children have been intrigued with that their name means and who it might relate to in their families. In PE we looked at quick decisions making and respecting the rules of the referee, who decided who was the quickest at getting to s coin. The children enjoyed discussing how sometimes they don’t agree with the referees decisions when they play football.
Towards the start the of the week the children finished their speeches about Mae Jemison, and shared their speech in the class, explaining why she is a significant person and how she continues to inspire people.
In maths, the children have worked really hard to use the correct operation to answer length and height questions. It has been a particular challenge to find the difference by subtracting.
Key Messages
Key vocab: significant, hero, referee, decisions, respect, Guru Granth Sahib, ceremony
Year 2 are enjoying using 1-minute maths to recall quick number facts and revisit different operations we have been learning so far. Please use this link to download the app at home: https://whiteroseeducation.com/1-minute-maths
Please continue to bring recording records and reading books every Monday.