KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
At the end of last week, we had drafted up a plan for our letters to one of the crayons from the story The Day the Crayons Quit. This week, we started writing up our first version of those letters and they are looking pretty spectacular! They are full of apologies, solutions and lots of conjunctions! In maths, we have been enjoying measuring length so much, we have started measuring using rulers and are measuring in centimeters. We are practising saying our full sentences ‘it is x centimeters long’. In history, we are continuing our learning of life in the 1950’s by discovering lots of the technology that was invented and used in the 1950’s. Although most of the technology we use in the present is the same, they look significantly different from the past. In DT, we have gathered up all the knowledge of all the mechanisms we have made in the last 3 weeks and created a design of what we would like to make as our final piece of work. We decided what mechanism it would be, what it would look like, and what we would need. In PE, we have done lots of ball work and have moved on to kicking.
Key Messages
Key vocab: centimeters, length, mass, heavier, lighter, past, present, mechanism
KIRFs: finding one less with numbers to 40
PE days are Wednesday and Friday, please wear the appropriate PE kit
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday as we will not be able to change them any other day of the week
We are looking at the faith of Islam this half-term in RE, if any families who follow this faith would like to come and talk about this to their child's class, please let their teacher know
Year 2
We have been working really hard this week to estimate and measure in centimetres and metres. The children used measuring sticks and tape measurer to work out what objects in the class are longer or shorter than a metre. In history we continue to look at the Great Fire by talking about primary sources such as Samuel Pepys diary. We created a soundscape thinking about what samuel, heard, saw, felt, wondered and hoped. In English we have enjoyed collecting facts about Mae Jemison and feeling inspired by her perseverance and positive attitude to dream big and help others. Next week we will create a speech on why we think Mae is a hero and justify this with factual information. On Thursday, year 2 went to Bocketts Farm to enrich their science learning on ‘offsprings’. To their surprise, they arrived to find a lamb which was only a few hours old. It was so exciting and the children were very respectful, using quiet, calm voices and asking lots of questions. They found out all about the lamb’s colouring, ear tags and life cycle. They were very lucky with the weather so the children were given time to play which they did so sensibly! Well done all.
Key Messages
Key vocab: offspring, life cycle, Samuel Pepys, soundscape, centimetre, metres, estimate
Writing focus:
Year 2 are enjoying using 1-minute maths to recall quick number facts and revisit different operations we have been learning so far. Please use this link to download the app at home: https://whiteroseeducation.com/1-minute-maths
Please continue to bring recording records and reading books every monday.