KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
This week for English, we continued reading our story The Day The Crayons Quit and extended our knowledge on the use of question marks. We had asked each crayons lots of interesting questions ranging from ‘why are you and orange crayon fighting?’, to ‘do you like colouring in the sea?’. This prepared us to write our story plans which we will be drafting and publishing next week. We will be writing as the character Duncan. In maths, we continued exploring numbers to 50, through partitioning on a part-whole model, practicing the stem sentence ‘___ is a part, ___ is a part and the whole is ___’. We then continued on to measuring length by using cubes and counters. In history, we used our knowledge about King Charles to explore what a day in the life of a child in the 1950’s was like. We compared the similarities and differences about what life was like in the 1950’s, such as technology, games, and even school. In DT, we created more moving mechanisms but this time by using a pivot to create a wheel. Some of us even managed to create a background to place the wheel in.
Key Messages
Key vocab: ‘numbers up to 50’, length, pivot, wheel, questions
KIRFs: finding one more with numbers to 40
PE days are Wednesday and Friday, please wear the appropriate PE kit
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday as we will not be able to change them any other day of the week
We are looking at the faith of Islam this half-term in RE, if any families who follow this faith would like to come and talk about this to their child's class, please let their teacher know
Year 2
At the beginning of the week the children were revisiting addition and subtraction in maths, this has been a challenge as they carefully read word problems and identified what operation could be used. Using keywords like difference total, altogether and how many more has been a focus. By the end of the week we have moved onto measure, suing a ruler and different objects in the classroom. In English we have come to the end of our book Vlad and the Great fire, by writing a recount as a character. The children have been amazing at using expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and inverted commas!
We have had fun in the reading workshops this week as we joined in in retelling the Little Red Riding Hood story.
Key Messages
Key vocab: Gurdwara, rocky and gas planets, Lord Mayor Bludworth, King Charles II, subtraction and addition, exchange
Writing focus: As the children begin to write longer pieces of writing their full stops and capital letters are big focus as well as different sentence starters to support their fluency and interest. We discuss the use of and or then being too repetitive and using, as soon as, before long, in the distance, suddenly instead.
We have organised a school trip to Bocketts Farm, for 14th March. Please let class teachers know if your child is prone to travel sickness and give children any medication required.
Year 2 are enjoying using 1-minute maths to recall quick number facts and revisit different operations we have been learning so far. Please use this link to download the app at home: https://whiteroseeducation.com/1-minute-maths