KS1 News

Come and see what KS1 have been up to!
Year 1
We have had an excellent start to 2023 in Year 1. We were very excited to learn about our new artist Henri Matisse and explore some of his collages, such as The Snail. In science, we started our topic on Plants by creating mind maps to show what we already know and showcased our enquiry skills by asking questions about things we would like to discover about plants. This half term, we will build on our map skills in geography and we started by finding and labelling the four countries in the United Kingdom using an atlas. In maths, we are developing our understanding of numbers 10-20. Yeti and the Bird by Nadia Shireen is our first English text and this week we have been making inferences, writing questions and describing the characters using adjectives.
Year 2
It has been lovely to have the children back at school and we have been impressed with their positive attitudes and enthusiasm for learning. We began our new topic of the Use of Everyday Materials by sorting objects and discussing their properties (pictured). There has been further collaborative work in Geography (pictured) as the children drew maps of the UK, identifying and locating the countries and capital cities. We are continuing the phonics groups whilst introducing spelling sessions in class. Additionally, we are re-focussing on our presentation in recorded work and generally in our personal and shared areas around the school. A perfect time for the children to reflect on their successes in PSHE and celebrate all their achievements whether they are big or small.
Key Messages
Year 1
Reminder - all reading books are changed on a Thursday and returned on Fridays. Reading records should be in bags everyday.
This week’s common exception words full, our, today
Year 2
- Reminder - next week there is scooter training on Thursday 12th Jan for Amethyst and Pearl and on Friday 13th Jan for Turquoise. Please could your child bring in a scooter (if they already have one) on the day of training. We would be really grateful if you could bring in any spare scooters so that they can be shared.