KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
What an exciting week for Year 1, particularly for Amber as they were the first class to go to Holly Lodge, Diamond went on Thursday and Sunstone will go next week. When at Holly Lodge, the class split off into 3 groups and do 3 different activities - repotting a basil plant, spreading and picking up seeds around the garden and identifying trees based on their leaves. In maths, we have been doubling and practising our near doubles to help with adding. We have been exploring adding and subtracting in a different way, by using our number bonds to 20 knowledge. In English, we have explored being authors and planning our own stories similar to The Smile Shop. We planned out the beginning, middle and end. In geography, we pretended we were weather reporters by researching the weather in the 4 capital cities of the UK. In science, we identified a deciduous and evergreen tree which ties in nicely to our trip to Holly Lodge. We have been using the Chromebooks and accessing a painting app to help with our trackpad skills by creating a digital image.
Key Messages
Key vocab: ‘numbers up to 20’, deciduous, evergreen, weather
KIRFs: counting in 5s
PE days are Wednesday and Friday, please wear the appropriate PE kit
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday as we will not be able to change them any other day of the week
Please use the phonics portal to revisit phonics sounds taught during the week - if you need support with this, please let the Year 1 team know
Year 2:
The children have started a new unit in maths this week. After completing their work on money, and finding the change when purchasing multiple items, we have now turned our attention to grouping. This is the small step that will enable us to introduce multiplication and division to the children.
In computing, we revised the basics of how to log in and access the internet. Once on the internet, the children were asked to find Richmond using Google Earth. This linked wonderfully with their geography unit which has asked children to locate Richmond and discuss some of our local human and physical features. On Tuesday, the children looked at the River Thames and how humans have built on it to make the waterway more accessible. We looked at the purpose of piers, bridges and locks. Lots of amazing reflections were made and super questions were asked!
Finally, we used our great teamwork skills in art this week to make a Keith Haring inspired outline that was human sized! The children drew around one of their peers and then worked together to create a final piece that was full of colour and reflected the eye-catching style of our key artist.
Key Messages
Key vocab: pier, bridge, lock, transparent, opaque, translucent
KIRFs: counting up in 2s
Spellings: adding y to make an adjective (e.g. nutty, spotty, sporty, funny, foggy).
Try it at home! If Miss Reilly bought an apple (14p) and a banana (21p) and paid with £1, how much change would she have?
Trips: thank you for all those who volunteered to support our farm trip. We will be in touch before the term ends to confirm.