KS1 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 1 & 2 this week.
Year 1
We have had a fantastic week in Year 1. In English we have continued to read Stick Man and written our own retell of the story, we also used adjectives in our sentences to describe the different characters. In maths, we have looked at numbers beyond 10 and found all the different ways we can make 20. DT was very exciting as Year 1 all made their own fruit salads that had to be healthy, tasty and colourful. We recalled our steps to hygienically prepare ourselves and how to be safe when using a knife to chop. In history, we discussed the different ways Victorian children travelled to school and compared these with how we travel to school… some children in the Victorian era travelled by horse-drawn carriages! In science, we enjoyed using everything we have learnt about different animals this term to create an animal fact file about our chosen animal. We described the features of the animal and what they ate. We look forward to next week where we are able to share our KS1 Christmas performance! Amber Class will be welcoming Miss Plumb, a student teacher who will be joining us for the Spring Term.
Afternoon Snacks in Year 1
Now that the Year 1 children have fully transitioned into Year 1 and settled so well, they will no longer need to bring an afternoon snack into school. They will continue to have their morning snack (supplied by the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme).
Mrs Dempster, Assistant headteacher, tandl@vineyard.richmond.sch.uk
Key Messages
Key vocab: tens, ones, Victorians, hygienically, horse-drawn carriage, features, carnivores, omnivores, herbivores
KIRFs: number bonds to 10
PE days are Wednesday and Friday
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday
Year 2
This week we have reflected on the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and sorted them into groups, justifying our choices by using mathematical language such as; vertices, sides and lines of symmetry. In science we explored and researched the invention of a lightbulb by looking at how it really works. We look forward to learning more about Thomas Edison as our key scientist this term. English continues to take us on a journey through James and the snowman’s friendship, using expanded noun phrases to describe the setting and a touch of imagination linked to what a winter holiday feels like. We have also written instructions on how to build a snowman using bossy verbs - perhaps you can write some instructions at home for a recipe or board game?
Key Messages
Key vocab: Electricity, lightbulb, glow, react, heat, setting, instructions, bossy verbs (imperative verbs)
Spelling test list will be sent out this week, please talk to your children about this and use as a tool to know what spellings to focu on. We will carry out this check termly.
Please bring in reading books to change and homework books for spelling test on Monday
Reminder: Tuesday 19th Christmas Jumper day, Christmas lunch, KS1 Christmas show, Turquoise and Pearl trip to Duke Street Church. Wednesday 20th - second KS2 Christmas Show, Amethyst trip to Duke Street Church