KS1 News

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to here!
Year 1
This week, Year 1 have enjoyed designing their own recipe for a fruit salad that had to be tasty, colourful and healthy. We look forward to making our fruit salads next week! In science this week, we have been looking at the diets of different animals. We identified carnivores, herbivores and omnivores…we were surprised to discover frogs are carnivores! During history, we looked at the toys Victorian children played with and discussed what they would be made from before designing our own Victorian toys with the materials they would have had. We started reading Stickman by Julia Donaldson in English and thought about how Stickman may have felt during the story. We then wrote our own letters to Stickman’s family and drew storyboards to retell the story. We have been exploring numbers to 20 in maths and looked at groups of tens and ones. We have also been working hard with Year 2 this week to practice our performance skills for our KS1 Christmas performance.
Key Messages
Key vocab: tens, ones, Victorians, hygienically, carnivores, omnivores, herbivores
KIRFs: number bonds to 10
PE days are Wednesday and Friday
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday
Please use the phonics portal to revisit phonics sounds taught during the week.
Year 2
Making our christmas crafts has been a wonderful start to our festivities at school. The children were careful and invested in their accurate measuring and super enthusiastic to make the cookies at home. We have heard some feedback that the cookies tasted delicious, from those who have baked them at home.
In DT, we have also been busy making, as our topic comes to an end, making our delicious, healthy pizzas was a highlight of the week. As well as promoting the ingredients for our favourite restaurants to buy the our pizza - places like The Ivy! Next week we will finish this topic by evaluating our product. It's been an exciting start to our shape learning this week, focusing on sides, vertices and drawing different 2D shapes. What 2D shapes can you notice this weekend? The Snowman is a favourite amongst teachers and children and sequencing the start of this enchanted story has created a buzz in our English lesson.
Key Messages
Key vocab: Snowman, Marcus Rashford, 2D shapes, 3D shapes
Please use the phonics portal to revisit phonics sounds taught during the week.
From now on, the children will take home one reading(phonics) book and one library book a week. Please check with your child what books they should have.
Writing focus: apostrophes for possession, expanded noun phrases and the difference between questions, statements and exclamations.