KS1 News
Read on to find out what has been happening in year 1&2. Don't forget to read the key messages!
Year 1
What a busy but lovely first term we’ve had in Year 1. We are all so proud of the way the children have settled into their new classroom routines and got involved in all the new areas of learning. Well done Year 1!
This week, in geography, we finished our topic on maps by using positional language to describe where things were in our classrooms. We enjoyed moving around the classroom to show near, far, next to and below. We used the carefully drawn maps that we created last week to help us locate things that were near, far, above and below. In English, we have been using adjectives to describe the character of the whale from our story of The Storm Whale. We used colourful semantics to help us construct our sentences, making sure to include adjectives in the right place.
In science, we completed our topic on the human body by thinking and sharing ideas about how we keep our bodies healthy. We discussed how important it is to get enough sleep, brush our teeth and eat a balanced diet. The children drew pictures to show how they keep their bodies clean and healthy.
Key Messages
Key vocab: healthy, diet, positional language, near, far, next to, above, plus, minus, equal
KIRFs: number bonds to 10
PE days are Wednesday and Friday
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday
Please remember to bring appropriate clothing for The Vineyard Adventurers - class times are: Diamond Thursday afternoon, Sunstone Friday morning, Amber Friday afternoon.
After half-term all children must bring in a book bag not a ruck sack. These can be navy blue or The Vineayard one.
Year 2
Geography has been a focus this week. The weather demanded a quick change of plans, but there was still a valuable investigation to be made along Friar’s Stile Road and along Richmond Terrace. The children were able to identify the different human and physical features and there was much discussion about the reasons and purpose of the different structures. We were really impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and behaviour whilst outside representing our school community and walking non-stop for almost two hours - well done Year 2! In maths, we have continued looking at how number bond knowledge and partitioning helps us when adding ones to two digit numbers. Did you know that 7 + 6 = 10 + 3? Creating new characters, including fish, chicks, snakes and tortoises, has been a creative way to stimulate our own versions of The Tadpole’s Promise. As a result, here have been some wonderful pieces of work produced for English.
Key messages:
Key vocab: number bonds, tens, ones, fact families, addition, subtraction, tadpole, butterfly, life cycle, physical and human features
KIRFs: Writing numbers as words to 20, number bonds to 20
Phonics: Don’t forget to check the phonics portal on the school website to recap sounds learnt
As more coats are being brought into school, we are running low on space. As a result, after half-term, please ensure your child has a book bag (no rucksacks).