KS1 News

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to here!
Year 1
We are so proud of the way our new year 1 classes have settled into their new routines, well done everyone! What a positive start to the year. This week we have started our new learning in our wider curriculum subjects of geography, science, computing and art. It has been wonderful to see what the children already know about the world around them.
In maths, we have been consolidating our reception maths knowledge of doubles, number bonds to 10, finding one more and one less and shapes. We began our KIRFS learning too which is practising our number bonds to 6. This week in English we have begun a new book called Beegu which is all about an alien who crashes onto Earth. We have been using our zones of regulation to help us write sentences describing how Beegu is feeling at different points in the story. We also introduced the conjunction because and challenged ourselves to use it in our sentences to make them even longer and add some more detail.
In art, we have enjoyed learning about our new artist for this half-term, Yayoi Kusama. We looked at some of her artwork and discussed the shapes, colours and patterns we could see as well as expressing how her art made us feel. The children wrote on post-it notes what they noticed and what they liked about her art.
Key Messages
Key vocab: conjunction, map, subitise, Yayoi Kusama
KIRFs: number bonds to 6
PE days are Wednesday and Friday
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday
The Vineyard Adventures - taking learning outdoors (forest school) will start on the week of the 25th - Diamond Thursday afternoon, Sunstone Friday mornings, Amber Friday afternoon. We will inform you of your child's groups next week.
Year 2
All the Year 2 teachers are incredibly proud of the children’s efforts and enthusiastic attitudes so far this term. It has been a joy to get to know everyone and we are excited about the weeks ahead. Thinking of a magical forest, where you might find interesting creatures has inspired our writing about that cheeky Goldilocks and the Three Bears (based on the version by Lauren Child). We have created woodlands, used ambitious adjectives and interesting sentence openers, whilst concentrating on neat Year 2 presentation in our books. In maths, we are revisiting and expanding our knowledge of place value to help understanding of the value of tens and ones. Before embarking on our computing topic, the children have been discussing e-safety with a focus on ‘pop ups’ and we were impressed with the knowledge and maturity demonstrated. We have also looked at the life cycle of humans in science and discussed the difference in each stage of development. Geography’s topic on capital cities has begun with a spotlight on the UK. Well done Turquoise, Amethyst and Pearl, it has been a great start to the year.
Key Messages:
Key vocab: Goldilocks, adjectives, conjunction, tens, ones, place value, life cycle, UK, island, continent, hemisphere
KIRFs: Writing numbers as words to 20, number bonds to 20
Year 2 children are provided with daily fruit. Please do not feel that you need to send fruit in (unless you would like to).
Please start collecting pine cones and leaves for our printing lesson which will be taking place WC 25th September. Please also hang onto any household items (like bottle caps and toilet roll tubes) that could also be used for printing.