KS1 News

Find out about the busy week KS1 have had!
Year 1
What an awe-inspiring STEM Week we have had in Year 1! The spectacular science show sparked a real buzz for science and the children were eager to put their scientific skills to the test carrying out four exciting experiments of their own. We formed rain clouds, created spectacular rainbows, produced colourful artwork using rainbow bubbles and produced giant bubbles outside! Additionally, we learnt about the mathematician M. C. Escher and tessellations. Then we enjoyed constructing of our tessellation patterns using Lego, 2D shapes, Numicon and colouring sheets. In maths lessons this week, we have been practising the sequence of the days of the week and months of the year. We have introduced the term yesterday and tomorrow as well as the words before and after to describe time. Linked to our STEM experiments, we have been writing instructions about how to undertake one of the experiments. We have revisited time connectives and features of instructions such as titles, subtitles and bullet points. In computing, we have been developing our technology skills by experimenting with the effect changing a value of a block has on the sequences we have programmed on Scratch Junior. Finally, in DT we have explored different materials and reflected on which materials would be best to use for our garage structure.
Key Messages
Key vocab: yesterday, tomorrow, before, after, time connective, instructions, tessellation
KIRFs: drawing the hour and minute hands on a clock - o’clock and half past
Festival of Sport-Tuesday 4th July 1:45-3:00pm please ensure your child comes to school in PE kit, has a water bottle and sun hat. Please apply sun cream.
Brooklands Museum school trip-Wednesday 19th July - please ensure you have paid via pay360 and contact the school office for further support.
Year 2
It has been a stimulating, terrific, exciting and magnificent STEM week! The children have started every morning by discussing different science enquiry questions such as which is the odd one out, zooming in and out of different objects by looking at shape, texture and colour. The children have looked at two different STEM icons who have made an impact to our world today. We learnt about the mathematician Florence Nightingale and made our own polar area graph, by collecting data from our class such as birthdays. Then we enjoyed making comets, reflecting upon the Caroline Herschel, the comet queen! Our final investigation involved looking at life on Mars and creating a creature that could survive on Mars. We were very lucky to have a scientist talk to us about how food helps our bodies and the skills we can carry out to be scientists every day! During history this week, we looked at Royal Parks and how Richmond Park was a cherished park for Henry VIII and how Queen Elizabeth I played a big part in how the deer are protected now.
Key Messages
Key vocab: comet, pioneering, astronomer, Richmond Park, leisure, lifestyle
Festival of Sport- Tuesday 4th July 1:45-3:00pm please ensure your child comes to school in PE kit, has a water bottle and sun hat. Please apply suncream.