KS1 News

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to this week!
Year 1
Welcome back to Summer 2, the final half term of Year 1! The sunshine has been aptly shining as we started our new unit in science on seasons. We created a mind map to recall our prior knowledge about seasons and demonstrated curiosity by writing questions we would like to find out about the seasons. Linked to our science learning, the children have blown us away with their creativity and poetry skills writing their own poems about summer in English inspired by the poem ‘Cold’ by Shirley Hughes. In maths, we have been exploring numbers from 50 to 100. We have applied our knowledge of counting in tens, used part-whole models to partition 2-digit numbers into tens and ones and filled in missing numbers on number lines to 100. A Lot of excitement was shown when we introduced our design and technology unit on stable structures by exploring car garages. In history, we revisited our chronological knowledge of historical events we have learnt and built on this by predicting when various forms of transports were invented. We were all very surprised to find out just how long ago the hot air balloon, petrol engine car, plane, bicycle were invented. In computing, we recapped the golden rules for staying safe online using the story of Smartie the Penguin.
Key Messages
Key vocab: invention, transport, stable structure, partition, rhyme, seasons
KIRFs: recap halves and doubles of numbers to 10
Year 2
It has been a lovely first week of our last half-term together!
The children have been curious about the new topics starting in each subject. In science, we have moved onto investigating the basic needs of survival for animals and humans. This week the children have thought about pets and wild animals. They have created leaflets where they have written why and how important air, water, shelter and food are for their survival needs.
There have been a lot of drama skills practised during the week. In DT the children acted as puppets as they identified what puppets are used for, what they are made from and how they move. The children enjoyed moving around the classroom as if they were a hand puppet or marionette being pulled by strings. Similarly, in history, the children put on a play focusing on the key features of Tudor lifestyles and who the Tudors were. Some people had a better time than others and the children were keen to find out why.
Key Messages
- Year 2 Barnes trip on the 21st June
- STEM Week 26th - 30th June
- Key vocab - Tudors, reign, adverbs, survival, shelter, puppets, marionette