KS1 News

Come and find out what we have been up to this week!
Year 1
Year 1 have had a busy week practising our songs and poem for our Christmas performance and making our Christmas crafts to sell at the fair! In English we have been reading the story Stickman and re-telling the story using first, next and then in our writing. We have also enjoyed writing letters to Santa and our class Elves! In Maths we have been sorting and making repeating patterns with 2D shapes. We re-capped all the names of the shapes and their properties. In History we discovered what a Victorian Christmas was like and compared it to how we celebrate today. We drew some Victorian toys and Christmas foods.
Key Messages:
The KS1 Christmas singing performance for adults to come and watch will be on Tuesday 13th (9:15am) December or Thursday 15th December (2:30pm). Please bring a Christmas jumper in a named bag on the 13th ready to wear for both performances.
W/C 12th December - the children are making fruit salads in DT. Please bring in; 3 different fruits (no pineapple, kiwi or strawberries due to allergies), a tupperware pot and a plastic chopping board (if you have one) all named and in a bag. 1S are Tues 13th December and 1A and 1D are Wed 14th December.
Year 2
It has been a great week in Year 2. We have been practising our singing concert this week. We have been working extremely hard and we hope you all enjoy it next week. In science we have been making our own fact file on different animals to consolidate our knowledge on life cycles and food chains. In maths we have been learning about money. We have been practising how to make different amounts and how figuring out how many ways to make the same amount. We have been creative this week as we have made our fantastic ornaments for the Christmas fair.
Key messages:
If you have a Christmas hat or Christmas themed headband please ensure you bring it into school next week on Monday for our Christmas show. Please also make sure your child has a Christmas jumper for the performance.
Next week we will be making Pizza. If your child has any allergies please inform their teacher.