KS1 News

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to this week!
Year 1
This week in Year 1 we have been enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather and are looking forward to the coronation picnic on Friday afternoon. We loved celebrating on the field with all the other year groups. In English, we have started a new book called Meerkat Mail and have been sequencing the story using the days of the week to help us remember what happens. We have been using exciting adjectives to write a class travel brochure to encourage Sunny to visit our new locations. We used our geography knowledge of hot and cold places to think of somewhere new Sunny would like to visit. In geography, we have been further exploring our topic of the earth’s extreme places and this week learnt all about the North and South Pole. We compared the different animals that live in each place and how the two poles are different. We also learnt how to find them on a map. In science, we have been thinking some more about materials and observing the difference between the material something is made of and the object. We went on a materials hunt around the school to find different objects that were made of metal, wood, fabric, glass and plastic.
Key Messages
Key vocab: materials, objects, north pole, south pole
KIRFs: half of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Please bring spelling books each Monday for the test and new set of words
Year 2
This week in year 2 we have introduced the characters Jim and the Giant in English. The children have thought carefully about descriptions to describe what they look like and what their behaviour is like. Expanding on their use of adjectives and connecting ideas with conjunctions. In RE, we learnt about the eightfold path that Buddhists follow to live a life of understanding and positivity. The children discussed which statements would fit with the Eight Rights and shared their own ideas drawing on their own experiences. In maths the children were challenged to draw tables, pictograms and block diagrams. We answered questions that meant the children used different operations to find the difference, the total and preferences. Can you draw a table at home of the different fruit you eat or the birds you see? What is the total? Which two can you compare? Which is the least?
Key Messages
Key vocab: giant, character description, table, tally, pictogram
Spelling rule: ed- what rule do you need to follow?
Drop the e, swap y for i, double the consonant
KIRFs: taking away to find the difference