KS1 News

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to this week!
Year 1
This week in Year 1 we have been busy being historians! We worked hard to investigate different objects that were invented in the 1950s and considered how they changed people lives. We had so much fun finding out about what life was like for people before they were invented and how it helped them. We loved comparing what they looked like in the 1950s to how they look now, especially the washing machine! In maths, we have been measuring length and height using a ruler. We began to explore centimetres and how to accurately measure different objects. We enjoyed measuring different things around the classroom and using the words longer and shorter to compare. In English, we were being authors and published our own endings to Tiddalik! We worked hard to self-edit our story endings and write them up in our best handwriting! We hope you enjoyed having a look at our stories on parents evening!
Key Messages
Key vocab: technology, experiment, evaluate, author, illustrator
KIRFs: finding one more than numbers within 40
Common exception words: thirteen, fourteen and fifteen
Please bring in your child spelling books every Monday for their test and new spellings to be stuck in
Year 2
Seeing things from the perspective of others has been a theme this week. In history, we considered what it would have been like for the diarist Samuel Pepys during the Great Fire of London. We made a soundscape of fire, exploding houses and burnt pigeons to help us. We have also thought about the life of Mae Jemison in English and how she was able to break down the barriers to become the first African American woman in space despite her fear of heights. There is new topic in maths to keep us busy, which began by looking at halves to develop the children’s understanding of fractions. Finally, it has been fascinating to watch life in a space shuttle with the Canadian Space Agency Videos on YouTube.
Key Messages
Key vocab: fractions, half, quarter, Mae Jemison, perspective, Samuel Pepys,dwarf planet
Spelling rule: Adding the suffix ‘ing’ when dropping the ‘e’ as in make/making
KIRFs: x10