KS1 News
Come and find out what KS1 have been up to here!
Year 1
We have had another lovely week in year 1. We hope you enjoyed coming into school to watch our class assemblies this week! We all felt so proud to have our grown ups watch and celebrate us! In history we have been learning about what life was like for children in the 1950s. We met David, who was a boy living in 1952 and compared our lives to his. We found it very interesting to learn about lifestyles in the 1950s and considered which we preferred, theirs or ours. In English we have been busy being authors! We wrote our own ending for our new story Tiddalik. We thought carefully about about what might happen next and wrote our own versions of the story. We can’t wait for you to have a look at our stories on parents evening. In maths we have started to look at height and have been comparing the height of different objects using the mathematical words of taller and shorter.
Key Messages
Key vocab: taller, shorter, predict, experiment
KIRFs: finding one less than numbers within 30
Common exception words: ten, eleven and twelve
Please bring in your child spelling books every Monday for their test and new spellings to be stuck in
Year 2
Lots of comparisons this week! We have used our scientific knowledge of the planets to inform further investigation on the NASA kids DIY website whilst working in groups to compare the planets according to size using food. Did you know that if Earth was the size of a cherry tomato, then Mercury would be a grain of rock salt and Jupiter as big as watermelon! The children have done further comparisons of London in 1666 and 2023 and have written about this in English. We have continued our understanding of using standard measurements in Maths and have built up a bank of knowledge about centimetres, metres, grams, kilograms, millilitres and litres and when to use them.
Key Messages
Key vocab: capacity, volume, millilitres, timeline, chronology, Prophet Mohammed, compare
Spelling rule: Adding the suffix ‘ing’ as in drop/dropping
KIRFs: x10
As we experience such wet weather, whenever possible it would helpful if children could come to school in wellies and change their shoes on arrival.