KS1 News

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to!
Year 1
This week in Year 1 we have been enjoying further exploring our topics this term of DT, RE and history. In history we have been learning more about Queen Elizabeth II and thinking about why she is a significant person. We explored her reign as our monarch and discuss how she was on the throne for 70 years! In science we have been conducting our own experiment about what plants needs to survive just like David Attenborough! Last week we grew cress seeds to see test to see if our predictions are correct. In DT we have enjoyed making another moving minibeast using an arch mechanism. We used a split pin to make an arch and pivot to move are minibeasts in a semi-circle.
Key Messages
Reminder - all reading books are changed on a Thursday and returned on Fridays. Reading records should be in bags everyday.
This week’s common exception words were the spellings of the numbers seven, eight and nine
KIRF’s: counting forwards and backwards in counting on 1 to numbers within 30
Key vocabulary: monarch, reign, coronation, within living memory
Our class assemblies are coming up - Tuesday 7th March - Amber, Wednesday 8th March - Diamond, Thursday 9th March - Sunstone. This will be 9 - 9.15am.
Year 2
Book week has reminded us all of the joy of reading. We began the week with a dramatic session based on Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The children took on the roles, words and thoughts of different characters and really enjoyed their dramatic storytelling. Later we were lucky to welcome the author Sam Copeland (SPARK award 2023 nominee) who gave the children a fascinating, interactive talk about his work, inspiration and how the children can see themselves as writers too. The link between storytelling and history is being re-enforced as we continue our study of The Great Fire of London. It has been really interesting to look at the lifestyles of people in 1666 and consider things from their perspective. We continue our regular non continuous cursive handwriting practice focussing on ‘j’ and ‘t’.
Key Messages
Please remember to keep Reading Records and books in bags and bring to school everyday. Do let your teacher know if they have been lost.
Spelling rule is the ‘igh’ sound written as ‘y’
KIRFS: 10 times tables
Key vocabulary: measure, centimetres, metres, height, length, speech bubble, inverted commas