Read on to find out what has been going on in year 1 and 2 this week.
Year 1
We have had a very exciting week in Year 1. We had a visit from a Victorian teacher who shared what it was like to be a child during the Victorian times. We spent the day sitting in rows and learnt that boys and girls had to be separated. We also enjoyed dressing up in Victorian clothes and voting on whether we preferred the Victorian school or The Vineyard school. In English, we continued to look at James Carter’s poetry and began to look at rhyming words. We took words from his poems and came up with alternative rhyming words. We have explored shape in maths and have been looking at different 3D and 2D shapes. We were surprised how many shapes we could find in our classroom! In DT, we created posters to show how to hygienically prepare fruit and vegetables in preparation for making our own fruit salads in a couple of weeks. We have been looking at different groups of animals in science and this week, we identified amphibians and birds and their different features.
Key Messages
Key vocab: 2D, 3D, vertices, faces, hygienically, rhyme
KIRFs: number bonds to 10
PE days are Wednesday and Friday
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday
Please use the phonics portal to revisit phonics sounds taught during the week.
Year 2
The children have enjoyed talking about how they celebrate Christmas and other celebrations. This week, they used chromebooks to research different ways Christmas is celebrated around the world. They read facts together and shared with the class what they found out. They were particularly excited to share information about their own countries and places like Jamaica that link to their history topic! In PE, we enjoyed using skills linked to basketball by working on bouncing and colliding basketballs, working on coordination. We are looking forward to making our pizza’s next week after having designed them and thought about how healthy our toppings can be. In English, we have started a new book called ‘The journey home’, the children have delved into what different habitats look like and how animals are affected if their homes are not looked after. We are aiming to write an interesting and informative letter all about it very soon!
Key vocab: deforestation, changes, key workers, bouncing, basketball
Please use the phonics portal to revisit phonics sounds taught during the week here.
From now on, the children will take home one reading(phonics) book and one library book a week. Please check with your child what books they should have.